You know, I think I would go the route of an attorney as a basis for not being disfellowshipped. I would probably get that letter that is floating around here somewhere. Afterall, I am not a danger to anyone. I am not causing divisions. I am not openly challenging anyone's authority. I am simply a voice in the wilderness that is the internet.
"You can't Disfellowship me ......."
by Phizzy 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Phizzy - ""You can't disfellowship me ......."
......I quit!!!
If they want to meet you, agree.
Tell the elders that you will turn up with a camcorder and some worldly family/friends as observers of divine justice.
The JC won't happen.
You won't be df'd.
They want everything done in secret.
Worked for me.
TableForOne, did that really worked? or were you joking?
I am still in good standing but have not gone to field service in 3 months. Just had my first ministry school talk since awaken (still have to play the part). I know the day is coming when questions will be asked and answers will not be found. If I ever go in front of a JC, my plan at this stage is...
- I will go, argue, and let them do their thing. Hopefully this one elder I know will be present. (the most arrogant)
- I will proceed to appeal
- Technically the elder in question would have to present himself for the appeal.
- I will then argue that my DFing can not be upheld because holy spirit was not present during my JC
- When they ask how could I possibly say that, I will show the facebook page of the elder, where he is following porn stars
It will be a nice experiement. Promise to apply the scientific method.
StarTrekAngel, that's exactly what happened.
I attended my last meeting in January 2014, my wife then informed the elders that I was an apostate.
They wanted to meet me. I said "sure".
But I told them that I'll be recording the meeting and inviting ANYONE who is interested, to join us.
They're used to dealing with people who want to remain in the Org.
Those who want to remain will abide by the rules of strict secrecy.
So, if you want to leave and not be df'd, tell them you WILL be recording the meeting and you WILL bring friends/family along too.
Have some fun, don't take them seriously.
Take control & lose the fear.
Just bring a hi-fi speaker when they say you arent one of Jehovah's Witnesses and counter "oh yes I am" and play back the minutes of your meeting in the middle of services. They are a bunch of wimps, they won't do anything. And them keep coming to services and saying hi to people as if nothing happened.
Of all the recommended scenarios I've read here on how to conduct oneself in a JC, I like yours the best, by far.
(Maybe because it feels like something I'd do. )
Thanks Vidiot.
Coincidentally, my CoBE just texted me yesterday.
My last text from him was in May 2014. I replied to him. He didn't respond.
Then this week, by chance, I've had contact with 3 members of my old congregation.
I tried to sow seeds in their blinded minds.
I think at least 1 of them went to the CoBE at Thursday's meeting, hence his text to me the following day.
He is inviting me to meet with elders at the KH 'regarding my standing as a dedicated witness'.
I didn't reply as I was at work and I'd like to give it some thought first.
The meeting will only take place on terms that I agree with (camcorder, plus non-JW friends/family)
If anything interesting happens I'll post it.
TF1 (UK)
A friend of mine was told by an elder that if he didnt get rid of his little pony-tail he could be disfellowshipped. Same friend told that he can get disfellowshipped for having a dirty house.
The person disfellowshipped in the bible was only disfellowshipped for 7 months for immorality! go figure.
if he didnt get rid of his little pony-tail he could be disfellowshipped.
A friend of mine in a previous cong. (within recent years) grew a pony tail - he was musician and always a bit of a maverick. The elders hated it. He was expelled from the Ministry School (ooh a bad punishment!) but was told they could not stop him going out in Field Service door to door. Certainly not d/f'd although he gradually drifted away , I believe.
Are rules different in the U K ?