WT for this Sunday...You are My Witnesses

by Legacy 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Legacy

    Hi All,

    WT 7/15/2014....Page 27...Question # 17...What will we consider in the next article...Paragraph 17...But how can we be Jehovah Witnesses and at the same time be witnesses of Jesus....well well well...I think they really got the point...all through the Greek scriptures, that's what Jesus has been saying...We are to witness about him....in The Hebrews scriptures was about Jehovah God, most of the world got that. Now Jehovah, put another spoke in the Wheel his son...Jesus...that's who Paul has been talking about all along...that he was witness of Jesus, Paul knew who God was. I think the Society monitors sites like these & others & found out....they may have been, uh...wrong....Wonder how are they going to spin this one off....I won't read the next article just yet..

    Comments anyone ....


  • Aroq

    I read the article and it gives no answer other than being a witness of Jesus is basically being a witness of Jehovah's "new feature", thus Jehovah. This is their spin. It all comes back to the denial of Jesus. Jesus said to be a witness of Him and what He had done. This would give glory to God. The articel clearly admits that Jesus did not say to be a witness of Jehovah, but rather Himself.

  • sloppyjoe2

    I read the article and it really doesn't explain clearly how they are witnesses of Jesus. There is just a lot of read this paragraph about Jesus doing this and that but then no explanation of what the article was supposed to be about. Interestingly this is the first time I've seen them say 27 years after pentacost 33 ce the truth of the good news was preached to all jews and gentiles in all creation under heaven in paragraph 8.

  • blondie

    I brought this out in last week's comments. If it was so important, why can the concept, "Jehovah's witnesses" or "witnesses of Jehovah" not be found in the NT.......

    Isa 43:10-12 = Israelites are Jehovah's witnesses

    Gal. 6:16 = anointed Christians are: For neither is circumcision anything nor is uncircumcision,+ but a new creation is.+ 16 As for all those who walk orderly by this rule of conduct, peace and mercy be upon them, yes, upon the Israel of God.

    Thus per the WTS Jehovah's witnesses are the only ones then that can be called spiritual Israelites

    And so they were, that is why it was 3 years after 1935, that the non-anointed WTS members were finally invited to the memorial.

  • sloppyjoe2

    Blondie have you or anyone for that matter ever discussed with a JW how God promised a new name in Isaiah 62:2?

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Jesus IS Jehovah. and Jehovah is Ahura Mazda. They are witnesses of Ahura Mazda....They are simply Zoarastrians

  • Legacy

    @ Blondie,

    That is so true....you know why ..because it's not in there...Another thing...isn't Jehovah a Hebrew name...& if God is not partial, why would he name himself after Hebrews....Sloppy Joe said in Isaiah 62:2, he promised a new name. I read some of the article...not too much, because I knew they wouldn't give Jesus his props...& to really think of it...we are not witnesses, we didn't see nothing...now them Israelites, you can call them witnesses because they didn't see God, but heard from him....literally....The article went on to mention what a witness is...someone who was there...none of us were there....Paul didn't even see Jesus being killed....I have a name....CHRISTIANS....that covers it all...

    Blondie are you still active ?


  • blondie

    Legacy, no I'm not, have not been "active" for 12 years as a jw, no meetings, no funerals, no weddings, no memorial, no conventions/assemblies, no time slips. But I had that concept above 10 years before I left. There was some controversy about calling the other sheep jws...the anointed did not think it proper. Partly why the lag in inviting the OS/GC to the memorial.

    Acts 11:26

    After he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year they assembled with them in the congregation and taught quite a crowd, and it was first in Antioch that the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.+

    I onced asked 2 elders if God named Jesus followers Christians, why was it necessary to change, were they ashamed of being called Christians? Just got silence.

  • Rattigan350

    Blondie: "If it was so important, why can the concept, "Jehovah's witnesses" or "witnesses of Jehovah" not be found in the NT......."

    Right. Paul was such a quoter of the prophecies, why didn't he quote that and refer it.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I really wish I was attending this Sunday, because I would in all innocence make a comment that "it's interesting to note that the holy spirit and Jehovah himself bore witness to Christ, and there are at least 30 Greek scriptures which confirm we have to be witnesses of Christ, but there isn't a single scripture telling Christians to be witnesses of Jehovah!"


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