London Press Conference on CULTS and UNDUE INFLUENCE - Aug 22, 2014

by Watchtower-Free 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Enzo

    witness my fury: I know that you and others don't like my criticism..And like I also have mentioned in other posts, you are not forced, to read, or react on my posts.. But there are members who are interested to listen to another opinion...and I can understand that if you are hurt by a destructive cult you need to search proffesional help.. (a good psychiatrist who is well informed about destructive cults), rather than starting a cruisade against JW's or others.. It could bee that there are other psychological factors involved that contribute your search in the wrong direction..(cults), that is your work to figure it out...

    that is my message to give here, and yes, I have read Hassans Books , but I am not really convinced about his BITE model.. For me it remains a sales marketing strategy, a lot of these figures have find a way to make money ( ask the charges involved by an intervention), and selling books..

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    What part of "Born in" do you not understand?

  • bohm

    WMF: What part of "Born in" do you not understand?

    Well realistically it could quite litterally be all of it...

    The Enzo-experience can be simulated by a machine where you type in a question and hit "process" and it respond by one or more of the following:

    • you are angry
    • you are on a crusade
    • there are four mabjiblion people on earth who want to talk to you so dont be upset that your family shuns you
    • answers an unrelated question.
    • here is a random link to a book i have not read
    • you do not have to read my posts
    • my posts are for those people with an open mind
    • you properly need a psychiatrist
    • (nothing)
    • you dont like me
    • you are damaged in the head
    • hassan is not an expert
    • I only recognize what a (court-recognized professional, mental health professional, my pet hamster, my handler at the asylum) says. Please listen to (some person not in the selected category)
    • unintelligeble nonsense
    • an insult written in italian
    • I have awesome knowledge I am here to share
  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I am not really convinced about his BITE model.. For me it remains a sales marketing strategy,

    This statement does not make sense. How is a "model" a "sales marketing strategy"?

    It's like saying "cognitive dissonance theory, nah, that's just a sakes marketing strategy." Huh?

    And what exactly are you unconvinced about regarding the BITE model? Be specific.

  • bohm

    "Dear senor breakfast in for champions, I very hapy you ask question. cognetive dissonance in my studies not a sales strategy, you write so because jw cult damaged you and you need a psychiatrist for anger. you should not project but cannot stop. you please understand hassan not an expert and not recognized by experts, he only very angry such as yourself. please if you read my posts with mind open i will have told you. you must listen to what expert el-ron hubbard says, i only listen to dr. manning. Please see his very important book the three little pigs. have good day".

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Thank you ENZO. I appreciate your speedy response.

    (Lol BOHM!)

  • bohm

    BoC: shhhh. Enough fun, i am sure Enzo will give a thoughtfull and accurate reply in which he make full use of his professional training any moment...

  • Oubliette

    Enzo: but I am not really convinced about his BITE model ...

    Ok. What part of it are you not convinced about? Please be specific.

    Are you aware that Hassan's BITE model is primarily built upon the work of Robert Jay Lifton and Margaret Thaler Singer? Without meaning to imply that none of Hassan's work is original, the fact is, his theories and approach rest firmly on the work of these two groundbreaking researchers.

    Do you also find fault with their work? And if so, what? Again, please be specific.

    And do NOT bring in any nonsense about the courts, as they are simply not qualified to examine to work of psychologists. It would be like asking a gynecologist to comment on the validity, interpretation and application of a complex area of tort law to a particularly convoluted lawsuit. It is simply out of the realm of her experience and expertise.

    The whole idea of peer review is that a scientific researchers work is examined, analyzed and reviewed by those most qualified to do so, others in the same field or one as closely related as possible.

    This does not mean to imply that others cannot examine, read and talk about it--much as we do here--but we are (for the most part) lay observers, albeit with informed opinions and personal experience in the matter.

    That being said, a scientific model has validity if it describes a particular phenomenon and works for explaining it. A model is not reality any more that a paper map is the same as the physical geography of a real locale. Nevertheless, maps are handy things to have in navigating one's way around in the world.

    Here are a few links to some articles about scientific modeling which you will no doubt find informative and thought-provoking:

    - -


    Example of scientific modelling: A schematic of chemical and transport processes related to atmospheric composition. (Wiki Commons)

    I'm pretty sure that no one believes that the little trucks, bus, cars or boat in the above picture are real. Do you?

    - -

  • Enzo

    On JW survey I have red that John Cedars is giving advice on what could be a good appraoch for winning a loved one back from a destructive cult.. Other sources avaible are also giving good advice on these issue: for example: What to do if your friend or loved one is recruited into a cult: practical help and Advice for winning them And these is not the only source avaible.. It's good and interesting to read a lot of balanced material avaible in a lot of books...Ciaooo Enzo..

  • bohm

    It is good to see Enzo FINALLY answering a question heads on /sarcasm

    • you are angry
    • you are on a crusade
    • there are four mabjiblion people on earth who want to talk to you so dont be upset that your family shuns you
    • answers an unrelated question.
    • here is a random link to a book i have not read
    • you do not have to read my posts
    • my posts are for those people with an open mind
    • you properly need a psychiatrist
    • (nothing)
    • you dont like me
    • you are damaged in the head
    • hassan is not an expert
    • I only recognize what a (court-recognized professional, mental health professional, my pet hamster, my handler at the asylum) says. Please listen to (some person not in the selected category)
    • unintelligeble nonsense
    • an insult written in italian
    • I have awesome knowledge I am here to share

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