Data, you dirty dog! Woof-woof!
Posters do you know of any cases where a devout JW was DF'd for Lesbianism?
by booker-t 48 Replies latest social entertainment
keyser soze
I have to hit from the men's tees when playing golf.
As long as you can hit it past the women's tees, it's all good.
I think this is a hush hush topic among JWs….
Why? When it is well-known that the federal government recognizes same-sex marriages, despite there being 31 states that prohibit, and 19 states and DC permit such, your post suggests JWs living in the US have discovered a way to blackout all media. Your description of JWs suggests a belief on your part that you could tell them that in addition to repealing Obamacare, President Romney managed to convince Congress to pass legislation to force the undocumented not born here and all same-sex couples born here to self-deport by December 31, 2014. Maybe some JWs are naive, but what you describe here about lesbianism would make them stupid, too.
Do JWs condemn homosexuality? As one of JWs, I don't; I'm not a king. I have no authority over anyone's body, to dictate the kinds of things to which folks can give or withhold their consent. If a man is reportedly having or has had sexual relations with his first cousin, you might condemn this sexual union as incest; I don't. If this first cousin were a 20-year-old male, you might condemn this sexual union as homosexuality; I don't. If this man were a woman and the first cousin a 20-year-old female, I suppose you might condemn such a union as lesbianism; I don't.
When two consenting adults engage in sexual relations, whether they be married to one another, or one or both to someone else, or an unmarried couple, no matter their sexual orientation, is this not fornication? If this first cousin were a minor, say, a 16- or 17-years-old child, I do condemn such sexual unions as child abuse, but otherwise I condemn such sexual unions as fornication, because God condemns fornication.
I remember years ago at an assembly I saw two sisters … walking arm and arm like a married couple.
I read this and wondered what it was about these two sisters that led you to conclude that their "walking arm in arm" was as if they were "a married couple." I mean, did one of these women grope the right cheek or the left cheek of the other's buttocks with their free hand?
What about a competition where two men or two women or a man and a woman, each carrying a 16 oz. cup of water, must traverse 30 meters (approx. 98 feet or the length of a 95-foot basketball court!) to fill a 1/2 gal. jar, which can be done in two round trips, but typically requires three round trips to do so; the couple that is able to fill their jar with the most water, but at least past the 64 oz. mark without releasing their hands, wins?
Would the pictures of two sisters, even of two elders holding hands during the competition constitute all of the evidence you would need to condemn these "same-gender couples" of behaving "like a married couple"? Would you be convinced by the picture of the man and the woman paired together, who are not married to each other, that they were guilty of fornication?
You may find it surprising to learn that women have been holding other women's hands since they were little girls, so I suspect you are a guy that suffers from homophobia, which is fine because I suppose I could also be accused of being homophobic since when my wife had accidentally left in her car without her purse (and driver's license!), I brought it to her in a paper bag, but I'd never be seen carrying a woman's purse (I just don't like the optics of that).
Now would I teach my son against carrying his mother's purse, when he is to be in subjection to her, too? Plus, his mother is my wife, not one of my parents, and even if she were one of my parents incestually, I'm no longer a child!
You have your own standards–we all do–but Jesus said we shouldn't be judging others by our own standards, did he not? Perhaps you've read Matt. 7:1-5 at some point in the past; perhaps not, I don't know. Can you imagine a "devout" JW (I have no idea what this means!) not slipping a scripture or two into a discussion? (Either one is a JW or isn't!)
Some of the JWs moms were covering their small children's eyes and those two women were stared at like they had the plague. I remember one elderly sister just kept shaking her head in disgust looking at the women when we were all seated.
Are you known as a busybody? Are you the kind of person that likes to get involved in the affairs of other people, especially affairs of the salacious, sexual variety? That's cool; you be you. But whatever the reasons were for that elderly sister's "shaking her head in disgust" or those JW moms' "covering their small children's eyes" as if the two sisters that walked "arm and arm like a married couple … had the plague," were they known to be fornicators?
How do you know these two women were spiritual sisters? What if one or both of them were invited to attend the assembly, and they were legally married in the state to each other? Did Jesus not die "for the sins of the whole world"? (1 John 2:2, KJ) Isn't it true that all mankind was given a clean slate upon Jesus' payment of the ransom? (Acts 17:30-31)
Acts 17:30 says God has now "overlooked" (NW, AS), "winked at" (KJ) man's sinfulness. In addressing Christians, Paul said "some of you were" what at 1 Cor. 6:9-11? "Fornicators," "adulterers," even "men who lie with men" (NW#2), "men who practice homosexuality" (NW#1), "abusers of themselves with mankind" (KJ)
Is there any sinner living today that the gospel, the good news of the kingdom of God, excluded? Is there any sinner living today whose Adamic sins were not covered by Jesus' sacrificial blood?
What if one or both of these two women you called "sisters" had been invited to attend the assembly, and they were legally married in the state to each other? If they should have heard something at the assembly or elsewhere that convinced them of the need on their part to repent in appreciation for the provision God made for everlasting life here in the earthly realm of God's kingdom through faith in Jesus' ransom would their former sins NOT be forgiven?
I have no authority to judge those "outside" (NW; "without," KJ); only those "inside” (NW; "within," KJ). Fornicators aren't limited to different-sex couples, who have yet to marry each other with one or more children; some are same-sex couples and some of these are married to each other.
God's word says: "You must not pervert judgment. You must not be partial or accept a bribe." ”Stop judging by the outward appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” (Deut. 16:18-19; John 7:24)
I condemn fornication; I condemn child abuse. What I do not condemn is homosexuality, because I have not been given authority to condemn such and many in our ranks–"gay" and "straight"–were formerly fornicators until they decided to repent and became JWs. God condemns fornication and so do JWs.
Do you know of any JW women DF'd for Lesbianism? We always hear of brothers getting DF'd for Homosexuality but I never hear the flip side.
I understand what you mean, but there is no "flip side," except for religious bigots; there's only one side that matters. Jesus said: "He that is not on my side is against me." (Matt. 12:30)
There sure were a lot of "pioneer partners" in yearbooks....
Well, well, well. Look who's back!
DJEggnog: I have no authority to judge those "outside" ...
Good, then don't
No, the sister was not raped, she decided to have sex with multipule men, she wanted to see what sex was like as seen on porn flicks. People can suffer weird effects from hypomania, during the "highs" they can become hyper-sexual, she decided to have sex with multipule men at once. You can't imagine the nightmare of a judicial committee a situation like this creates, we had no business trying to judge her because her brain was broken, when you add cocaine and mental illness that attacks your ability to make rational choices there's something called "Not Guilty By Reason of Mental Defect", she never should have been disfellowshiped for any of her conduct. Most States don't allow a mentally-challenged citizen to be held liable for signing a contract because they don't understand the implications of what signing a contract means.
The Elders judging the mentally ill and shunning mentally ill, mentally-handicapped and insane Witnesses shows you how twisted the Jehovah Witness religion truly is. It takes a tiny man with a little ball-sack to disfellowship and shun mentally ill witnesses, I don't think Jesus would have shunned the mentally ill, his ministry we all would be considered "thrashed" and nobody deserved to be near the Messiah. JW Elders think their sins are going to be forgiven and most of these men are the most hateful people of the Congrgation!
dj, your knowledge of all things Watchtower is extensive and we don't have very many people of your caliber who post often, please hang out with Onzo or what ever his name is too. We miss you, seriously dj, while your here what do you think about the Watchtower's New Light and warning to:
"If you hear some instructions that sound strange or wrong you must obey the life-saving instruction provided by the Slave", you were not here when that concept was printed by the Watchtower, do you see something coming down the Pike that is making the Watchtower Leaders cling harder for power?
"The Homosexual Clothing Designer Conspiracy" by Tony Morriss, what do you make of all the weird statements the leaders are saying? Glad to have you back, finally someone who understands the Watchtower's side of the doctrine!
Knew of a couple of female "Pioneer couples". who were Gay & Bi-sexual. They all got private reproof and had to split up. Eventually the two bi-sexual pioneers (fems) married men and had children. All quite hush-hush and sweept under the carpet. Everyone taken off the pioneer rolls.
Gay guys were either disfellowshipped or promoted to elders if they denied and counter alleged. Hey some Gay guys got promoted to the governing body.
There was this case where the husband (Elder) showed up unexpectedly from work, and caught his lovely wife having sex with a sister from their congregation. She was disfellowshipped.
" Hey some Gay guys got promoted to the governing body."
verrrrrry interesting.....details?