I`m just curious as to how different they may be.
by smiddy 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I`m just curious as to how different they may be.
Yes, I did. I studied with rabbi in Eastern Europe for a bit and later went for classes that were conducted by Jewish teacher explaing OT and was done also by rabbi and professor who was Jewish and married to one of them. I am married to Jewish person, but the faith is not relevant as the second half is secular, but my in-laws family have some orthodox members. Jewish beliefs are different from Christianity, and it is also crucial do make distinction between Jewish faith and Jewish culture and life as part of cultural, social, and national identity. What Jews taught me:
JWs tried to think of themselves as more Jewish leaning Christians but failed in many respects as you note. Most Christian denominations make an even worse mess of the Jewish Bible. Romans-Hebrews are a joke in explaining Judaism.
There was a fascinating post a few days ago by a guy who was well versed in Judaism, pointing out that the Jewish attitude to Scripture was different to the Christian. They do not see their religion as based upon Scripture, but see Scripture as springing from the religion.
So with them the Commentary by Rabbis past and present is as important as what is written in the Torah and the other Scriptures, they are also not at all hung up about what may be "genuine" and what may be "spurious". I can't just now remember what thread that was on.
jewish scholar Lewis Black explains some of the differences well ...
menrov, I am not sure where I would support it except that I had read Midrash and some books that were written before WWII by various Eastern European rabbis. There are tons of material and even you can ask any Jewish person where to study a Jewish faith. Jews do not have centralized faith and there are different opinions based on different interpretation of the OT.
i have been studying Judaism for some time now, and I agree with Points 2,3,4,5,6 First Half.
As for the rest if the points.. Interesting, especially #1 and #6 I'll have to research those a bit more..
As for #7 are you saying that Jews believe that Fallen Angels or other angels Destroyed Sodom, not God?
Yetzer-Tob, Yetzer Ha-Rah
Thanks Designs : )