In Africa there are Millions of Street Childern who can't afford to attend basic school we in the Western World enjoy from the taxation of our citizens. The Catholic Church has been making a strong effort to education as many of the Street Children as posible because they will end up having no future. Catholic Nuns and Priests, Missionaries are gathering donations and are able to educate many kids for $86 USD a year and this includes a meal that will be the only food they receive that day.
Clean Water and Cooking with new cheap technology, Fundamental Christians with other Orthodox Churches are trying to make a difference, how can you teach these Street Children to fish by handing them literature they can't read? Read through some of the Red Cross Refugee Camp stories and see how the Jehovah's Witnesses utilize Satan's tool (Red Cross) to locate their members that are receiving some food and shelter the Watchtower is not providing for their own members.
The 7th Day Adventist have the "Dorcas Ministry", was Dorcas a person who only helped Christians, oh, that's right Dorcas converted to Christianity and helped the widows and orphans of her land the Greek Bible speaks of. The following story below is about a man who is affiliated with the Jehovah's Witnesses religion, is he getting help from the "HOPE" agency from the Watchtower or another group?
Jehovah's Witnesses have a unusually high amount of people on Welfare, Disability or the Public Dole, seems a group that relies on Government Handouts would not be bragging about "giving people the means to stand on their own two feet". I know what happens in the Elders Meetings, we were taught to help Witnesses secure Government Food Stamps, Welfare and for Schizophrenic Witnesses the Elders helped them fill out the Social Security Disability forms. How is this teaching them to stand on their own two feet? Really this question has not been answered because after decades of being a free-labor-Fool for the Organization, I know we don't do anything to help Non JWs so we are just like the people Jesus addressed when he said "What good is it for you if you help those who are helping you?" or "If you invite those who can invite you in return, your just like the Nations!"
How many of you helped the Friends fill out Government Aid because the Watchtower Reps told you the Watchtower is not in a position to help anyone financially, they are there to take money, not hand it out! Yes, I am aware they collect the Insurance Checks and any surplus the Witnesses are asked to donate and if they don't they are "marked" and worked until they give all the Government Relief funds to the Watchtower without a cheerful spirit!