I was in a Chinese take-out the other day and saw a couple of very recent Awake and Watchtower magazines on the counter, amongst other magazines.
I had a good flick through both of them and noticed how very similar both magazines now appear in terms of appearance and content. I was left with the distinct impression that the public edition Watchtower is now basically indiscernable from the Awake! regarding content. The public Watchtower I perused did not even seem to have a greater 'Bible-based' content than the Awake.
I could almost have switched the front title pages of both magazines and not been able to distinguish one from the other.
It struck me as almost embarrassing how similar both magazines now are, one called Awake and the other Watchtower, both having the same style articles and content, size, format, etc.
I'm sure many JW's must also be wondering what is the point of having both magazines now?
I've suspected for a while now that they are about to drop one of these magazines entirely, probably the Watchtower (retaining only the JW study version), and this experience really reinforced my gut feeling this will happen before too long.