So, you're plan is to be a jerk to bother the people around you and you're asking if it will bother people around you? Well, that depends entirely on whether or not you're good at being a jerk.
Turning My House in to A Ex-JW Gathering Church, Will it bug my JW Neighbors?
by BucketShopBill 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
i'd like to come over Bill--but--i dont qualify. i have a very bad reputation here.
Can we come over?
Gee, I hope so! If your inviting your friends to your house for some fun and good beer annoys your neighbors, well, screw them!
BSB: it's none of their business who you associate with. They lost that power when you left.
Now if you want to have fun, just give them the same consideration you would to any of your neighbors.
Enjoy yourself and dont worry about what they will think. You are past that now.๐จ Right??๐
Steve I thought of making this overt gesture because they are the ones who are being hostile, I get these little notes from them showing a picture of Fire Raining down on the Masses on the Great Day!". Laying low is not working out for me, they are taking measures and are testing my patiences with weird notes and strange cut-out messages. One of the freaks cut out words and photos from the Watchtower and other Organization literature showing pictures of people dying in the old creepy magazines.
They are acting out the way the Watchtower tells them to, you harrass people who don't attend Meetings because the Watchtower gives them a false sense of power!
BSB: im so sorry you are getting harassed. But do you think antagonizing them will help matters?
How about a no trespassing sign? Could you report them for harrassment?
BSB, sounds very very trying to be subjected to the pictures of destruction - I understand the urge to speak out against them. By your account, you'd have grounds for explicitly telling them to stop the mail drops - or, if thsat fails, to lay a complaint. The law would be on your side. Be direct and assertive. It beats turning this into a spectacle.
Hell I'm coming to the party at your house.
I guess a party would be more fun than a law suit๐ท
They do say living well is the best revenge.
Steve had good advice. Be assertive not as an annoyance.
You are better than that.