Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-21-2014 WT Study (JULY 15, 2014, pages (23-27) OLD TESTAMENT JWS
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The WTS refers to Isaiah 43:10 with a snippet that includes the word “Jehovah” from an OT reference. Next week, the WTS snippet from Acts 1:8 deceptively implies that “witnesses of me” also refers to “Jehovah” when actually the speaker is Jesus and he is saying that they would be witnesses of Jesus, in fact in the NT the only references are to witnessing for/about Jesus.
This is exactly was the WTS does in Acts 15 when it inserts the phrase “governing body” in their publications implying that those words occur in the bible by almost always placing Acts 15 near. Note the WTS never puts “” around governing body though not directly saying it is from the bible. I had been a jw for many years before I realized that that phrase never occurred in the bible. In fact the Insight volumes only research words in the bible which is why the main listings do not include “governing body” only in the explanatory material.
Did you know that up until April 1, 1977, the WTS spelled Jehovah’s Witnesses as Jehovah’s witnesses with a lower case w? In fact, jws were counseled if they did not do that because the WTS felt it became a religious organization’s name not a description of what members did in their lives.
Similarly, the WTS spelled the phrase “governing body” with lower case until 1974/1975 when it became uppercase Governing Body but only in reference to their current group rarely if ever in referring to the so-called governing body of the first century.
“You Are My Witnesses”
“‘You are my witnesses,’ declares Jehovah.”—ISA. 43:10.
How did the Israelites serve as witnesses of Jehovah?
What does God’s name mean?
How can we show appreciation for the privilege of bearing God’s holy name?
1, 2. (a) What does it mean to be a witness, and in what notable way
has this world’s news media failed? (b) Why does Jehovah not depend
on this world’s media?
WHAT does it mean to be a witness? One dictionary gives this
definition:“Someone who sees an event and reports what
happened.” For example, in the city of Pietermaritzburg,
South Africa, a newspaper now called The Witness has been
published for over 160 years. The name is fitting, since the
purpose of a newspaper is that of reporting accurately on
events that take place in the world. The founding editor of The
Witness pledged that the newspaper would tell “
Why not tell us what dictionary? The freedictionary?
Why not name the editor, when he said it? David Dale Buchanan
Actually, the real reference in the Christian world is martyr.
2 Sadly, though, the world’s news media has largely ignored
or even distorted the most important facts of human history.
This is certainly the case with what the almighty God stated
by means of his ancient prophet Ezekiel: “The nations will
have to know that I am Jehovah.” (Ezek. 39:7) But the Sovereign
Ruler of the universe does not depend on this world’s
media. He has some eight million Witnesses who tell people
of all nations about him and his past and present dealings
with mankind. This army of Witnesses also announces what
God promises to do for the future blessing of mankind. By
giving this witness work our priority, we prove true to our
God-given name, as stated at Isaiah 43:10: “‘You are my
witnesses,’ declares Jehovah, ‘yes, my
servant whom I have chosen.’”
Can you think of any “most important facts of human history” that the WTS has distorted?
But how many jws introduce themselves as jw? Rather they dance around it until later if then afraid it will turn people off.
In the beginning of the WTS, members only had the hope of going to heaven to rule as kings and priests with Christ, and that only a total of 144,000 total would be chosen. Isaiah 43:10 refers to Israelites and the WTS teaches that only the 144,000 are “spiritual” Israelites and thus Jehovah’s witnesses.
*** w66 2/15 pp. 118-119 par. 15 Identifying the Present-Day Beneficiaries ***
In speaking of the marking work, page 111 of Vindication said that “this work of giving the testimony is not for the purpose of converting the people of the world and bringing them into some organization, but it is to make known the fact that those who desire to flee from the wicked organization of Christendom may do so and declare themselves on the Lord’s side, and thus be in line to be brought through the time of trouble, when the slaughtering begins.” Thus no real gathering and organizing of these marked ones, the “other sheep,” was encouraged, even in the year 1931, when the remnant of the 144,000 spiritual Israelites embraced the name “Jehovah’s witnesses.”
*** w66 2/15 p. 120 par. 21 Identifying the Present-Day Beneficiaries ***
Thus this secondary class of spirit-begotten spiritual Israelites was still diverting the attention of the remnant late in 1934 and was taking a place of greater importance than the Jonadabs or earthly “other sheep” class, who were to be marked in their foreheads. (Ezek. 9:4) So these marked ones were not specifically invited to attend the celebration of the Lord’s Supper on Nisan 14, 1935.
3, 4. (a) When did the Bible Students adopt a
new name, and how did they feel about it? (See
opening image.) (b) What questions will we
now consider?
3 What a privilege it is to bear the
name Jehovah, for he is “the King of eternity,”
who says: “This is my name forever,
and this is how I am to be remembered
from generation to generation”!
(1 Tim. 1:17; Ex. 3:15; compare Ecclesiastes
2:16.) In 1931, the name Jehovah’s
Witnesses was adopted by the Bible Students.
Afterward, many letters of appreciation
were published in this journal.
“The good news that we are ‘Jehovah’s
witnesses’ has thrilled us, and filled us
with renewed determination to be worthy
of the new name,” wrote one congregation
from Canada.
Remember Jesus said at Acts 1:8 that his followers would be witnesses of Jesus; and late by “divine providence” by God, his followers were called Christians; why did the anointed of the WTS choose “Bible Students” and then “Jehovah’s witnesses” later rejecting “Jehovah’s Christian Witnesses”
More likely Rutherford changed the name because of all the Bible Students that had left or been cast off because they did not obey Rutherford.
4 How can you show your appreciation
for the privilege of bearing God’s
name? Also, can you explain the
Scriptural context from which our name, Jehovah’s
Witnesses, is taken?
5, 6. (a) In what way were Israelite parents to
be witnesses of Jehovah? (b) What else were Israelite
parents commanded to do, and why
does the same need apply to parents today?
5 Individual Israelites of Isaiah’s day
were “witnesses” of Jehovah, and the nation
as a whole was God’s “servant.” (Isa.
43:10) One way Israelite parents witnessed
was by teaching their children
about God’s dealings with their forefathers.
For example, when being instructed
to observe the Passover each
year, the people were told: “When your
sons ask you, ‘What does this observance
mean to you?’ you must say, ‘It is
the sacrifice of the Passover to Jehovah,
who passed over the houses of the Israelites
in Egypt when he plagued the
Egyptians, but he spared our houses.’”
(Ex. 12:26, 27) Those parents may also
have explained to their children that
when Moses first approached Egypt’s
ruler to ask permission for the Israelites
to worship Jehovah in the wilderness,
Pharaoh replied: “Who is Jehovah, that I
should obey his voice to send Israel
away?” (Ex. 5:2) Of course, it could also
be related that after ten plagues devastated
the land and after the Israelites escaped
from Egypt’s army at the Red Sea,
the answer to Pharaoh’s question became
clear for all to see. Jehovah was
—and is—the Almighty. Also, the Israelite
nation became living witnesses that Jehovah
is the true God and the Fulfiller of
his promises.
But that only says to teach your sons…………
When your sons ask you, ‘What does this observance
mean to you?’ you must say, ‘It is the sacrifice of the Passover to Jehovah,
Did you know that only males were required to go to the festivals? But the men would have been bogged down taking care of the boys…so the women could come.
(Deuteronomy 16:16) 16 “Three times in the year every male of yours should appear before Jehovah your God in the place that he will choose: in the festival of the unfermented cakes and in the festival of weeks and in the festival of booths, and none should appear before Jehovah empty-handed.
6 Israelites who appreciated the privilege
of bearing Jehovah’s name no doubt
reported these wonderful developments
not only to their children but also to the
foreigners who became slaves in their
households. Equally important, the Israelites
were commanded to train their
children to observe God’s standards of
holiness. Jehovah said: “You should be
holy, because I, Jehovah your God, am
holy.” (Lev. 19:2; Deut. 6:6, 7) What
a find pattern this sets for Christian
parents today, who must likewise train
their children in the ways of holiness,
thereby helping them to bring honor
to God’s glorious name!—Read Proverbs
1:8; Ephesians 6:4.
No doubt – no record in the bible though
Fathers ordered to train sons
Christian parents today – only jws, because only they are true Christians
PICTURE: Teaching our children about Jehovah brings honor to his name
(See paragraphs 5, 6) (find picture on following url) Who is this man, note he resembles the WTS depiction of the apostle Peter.
7.(a)When Israel was faithful to Jehovah,
what effect did this have on surrounding nations?
(b) What responsibility rests on all who bear God’s name?
7 Thus, when the Israelites were faithful,
they gave a fine witness to God’s
name. They had been told: “All the peoples
of the earth will have to see that Jehovah’s
name has been called upon you,
and they will be afraid of you.” (Deut. 28:
10) Sadly, however, Israelite history was
mostly a record of unfaithfulness. Time
and again, they returned to the worship
of man-made idols. Moreover, like the
Canaanite gods they worshipped, they
became cruel, sacrificing their children
and oppressing the poor. What a powerful
lesson this is for us to strive always to
be holy in imitation of the Most Holy
One, whose name we bear!
Sacrifice their children to their ever-changing blood transfusion policies
Sacrifice their children to the god of Pedophilia
Oppressing the poor following the Korban policy giving your belongings to the “temple” but returning person use
8. What commission did Isaiah receive from
Jehovah, and how did Isaiah react?
8 Jehovah had foretold a marvelous
act of deliverance from captivity that the
Israelite nation would witness. (Isa. 43:
19) The first six chapters of the book of
Isaiah are largely warnings about the certain
calamity that was to come upon
Jerusalem and its surrounding cities.
Jehovah, the perfect reader of hearts,
told Isaiah to continue proclaiming this
warning even though he would be met
with a hardening negative response. Isaiah
was shocked and wanted to know for
how long God’s nation would remain unrepentant.
God’s answer? “Until the cities
crash in ruins without an inhabitant
and the houses are without people and
the land is ruined and desolate.”—Read
Isaiah 6:8-11.
Is this going to be the same WTS interpretation as in the past?
9. (a) When did Isaiah’s prophecy about Jerusalem
come true? (b) What situation exists today
that calls for wakefulness on our part?
9 Isaiah received this commission in
the last year of King Uzziah’s reign,
or about 778 B.C.E. He continued his
prophetic service for some 46 years
until after 732 B.C.E., well into the
reign of King Hezekiah. That was 125
years before Jerusalem’s destruction in
607 B.C.E. Thus, ample advance notice
of what was going to happen to their nation
in the future was given to God’s
people. Today, Jehovah has also had his
people give ample notice of what lies
ahead. For 135 years, from its very first
issue, The Watchtower has called on its
readers to be awake to the fact that Satan’s
wicked rulership will soon end and
be replaced by the Thousand Year Reign
of Jesus Christ.—Rev. 20:1-3, 6.
Does the WTS chronology match credible secular sources?
The WTS has said the end would come in 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940’s, 1975, (1984), (1994) and then stopped using a specific date. For more info see
10, 11. What fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy
did the Israelites in Babylon witness?
10 Many obedient Jews who surrendered
to the Babylonians survived Jerusalem’s
destruction and were taken captive
to Babylon. (Jer. 27:11, 12) There,
70 years later, God’s people witnessed
the fulfillment of an amazing prophecy:
“This is what Jehovah says, your Repurchaser,
the Holy One of Israel: ‘For your
sakes I will send to Babylon and bring
down all the bars of the gates.’”—Isa.
For 607 BCE, 587 BCE, 70 years, start with
11 In line with that prophecy, a world-shaking
event happened one night early
in October 539 B.C.E. While Babylon’s
king and his nobles were drinking wine
from holy vessels captured from Jerusalem’s
temple and were praising their
man-made gods, the armies of Media
and Persia conquered Babylon. In 538 or
537 B.C.E., Babylon’s conqueror, Cyrus,
commanded the Jews to return and rebuild
God’s temple in Jerusalem. All of
this was foretold by Isaiah, including Jehovah’s
promise that he would provide
for and protect his repentant people as
they returned to Jerusalem. God called
them “the people whom I formed for
myself so that they might declare my
praise.” (Isa. 43:21; 44:26-28) Once these
former exiles had returned and rebuilt
Jehovah’s temple in Jerusalem, they became
witnesses to the fact that Jehovah,
the only true God, always fulfills his
Yes, by the first century, the bible says that Jesus declared that tradition replaced the word of God.
12, 13. (a) Who were included with the Israelites
in the restoration of Jehovah’s worship?
(b) What is expected of the “other sheep” as
they support “the Israel of God,” and what
hope do they have?
12 Thousands of non-Israelites were
part of the reborn nation, and later many
other Gentiles became Jewish proselytes.
(Ezra 2:58, 64, 65; Esther 8:17) Today,
“a great crowd” of Jesus’ “other
sheep” give their loyal support to anointed
Christians, who make up “the Israel
of God.” (Rev. 7:9, 10; John 10:16; Gal. 6:
16) The great crowd also share that God-given
name, Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Did the Jewish proselytes have the same standing as the born-in Jews?
The great crowd were not considered jws for 7 years after the name was adopted.
13 During the Thousand Year Reign of
Christ, the great crowd will have the unspeakable
joy of explaining to resurrected
ones what it was like to be one of Jehovah’s
Witnesses during the last days
of this system of things. But our doing
this will be possible only if we prove true
to our name now and strive to remain
holy. Also, no matter how hard we try,
we must daily ask forgiveness for any
lack of holiness, recognizing that we are
sinners and that being allowed to bear
God’s holy name is an indescribably
great honor.—Read 1 John 1:8, 9.
What is the requirement per the WTS to survive the “end”?
*** w89 9/1 p. 19 par. 7 Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium ***
Only Jehovah’s Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the “great crowd,” as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil. (Revelation 7:9-17; 2 Corinthians 4:4)
*** w96 1/15 p. 17 par. 9 Jehovah’s Sheep Need Tender Care ***
The four parts into which the questions are divided may be covered in three sessions by three different elders if possible. If they agree that the unbaptized publisher has a reasonable understanding of Bible teachings and qualifies in other ways, they will tell him that he may be baptized. As a result of his dedication and baptism, he becomes ‘marked’ for salvation.—Ezekiel 9:4-6.
A Name Full
of Meaning
to our name now and strive to remain
holy. Also, no matter how hard we try,
we must daily ask forgiveness for any
lack of holiness, recognizing that we are
sinners and that being allowed to bear
God’s holy name is an indescribably
great honor.—Read 1 John 1:8, 9.
14 To enhance our appreciation for the
honor of bearing God’s name, it is good
for us to meditate on its meaning. Commonly
translated “Jehovah,” the divine
name comes from a Hebrew verb that
can describe action and can be translated
“to become.” Thus, the name Jehovah
is understood to mean “He Causes to Become.”
14. What does the name Jehovah mean?
14 This definition well fits Jehovah’s
role both as the Creator of the physical
universe and intelligent beings and as
the Fulfiller of his purpose. As events
unfold, he continues to cause his will
and purpose to be realized no matter
what any opposer, such as Satan, may
do in an attempt to thwart the progressive
outworking of God’s will.
“progressive” another way the WTS tries to explain why they change their doctrines.
15. In what way did Jehovah reveal an aspect of
his personality as reflected in the meaning of
his name? (See the box “A Name Full of Meaning.”)
15 When commissioning Moses to
lead God’s people out of Egypt, Jehovah
revealed an aspect of his personality by
using a related verb to describe his
name, this time in the first person. The
Bible record states: “God said to Moses:
‘I Will Become What I Choose to Become’
[or, “I Will Prove to Be What I Will
Prove to Be”]. And he added: ‘This is
what you are to say to the Israelites, “I
Will Become has sent me to you.”’” (Ex.
3:14; ftn.) Thus Jehovah, in any circumstance,
will become whatever is needed
to accomplish his purpose. To the once enslaved
Israelites, he proved to be a Deliverer,
a Protector, a Guide, and a Provider
who satisfied all their material and
spiritual needs.
Did you ever get why the WTS emphasizes this….is god making it become or is the WTS saying what they think god means?
16, 17. (a) How can we show our gratitude for
the privilege of bearing God’s name?
16 Today, Jehovah continues to be true
to the meaning of his name by satisfying
all our spiritual and material needs.
And yet, the meaning of God’s name is
not limited to what he himself chooses
to become. It includes what he causes
to happen with regard to the work of
his Witnesses in accomplishing his purpose.
Meditating on this will motivate us
to keep on living up to his name. As
84-year-old Kåre, who has been a zealous
Witness in Norway for the past 70 years,
says: “I feel that it is a great honor to
serve Jehovah, the King of eternity, and
to be a part of the people who are called
by his holy name. It is always a great
privilege to explain Bible truth and to see
people’s eyes light up with joy and understanding.
For instance, it brings me
deep satisfaction when I teach them
how Christ’s ransom sacrifice works and
how, by means of it, they can get everlasting
life in a peaceful and righteous
new world.”
So do you know jws who did not have enough food, a safe home,…
Do you want to associate yourself with an organization that protects pedophiles and hides their deeds, to protect God’s name or their own?
17 Admittedly, in some territories it is
increasingly difficult to find people who
desire to learn about God. Nevertheless,
like Kåre, do you not experience deep joy
when you find a listening ear and are
able to teach that person about the name
of Jehovah? But how can we be Jehovah’s
Witnesses and at the same time be witnesses
of Jesus? That question will be the
subject of our next article.
Hard to find people or do jws call when people are not home and do not come back when they find “interest,” or turn over return visits to the pioneers and elders because going back interferes with their recreation?
The sad thing is that many jws are reluctant to say when asked, “What religion are you”? or something similar and they answer a Jehovah’s Witness (not the WTS preferred one of Jehovah’s Witnesses (or witnesses?), without Christ appearing. Many jws are so afraid that saying they are a Christian will not differentiate them from what the WTS calls so-called or professed Christians.
But what did “divine providence” say?
(Acts 11:26) . . .It thus came about that for a whole year they gathered together with them in the congregation and taught quite a crowd, and it was first in Antioch that the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.
What is the “god-approved” name, Bible Students, Jehovah’s witnesses, or:
*** bt chap. 9 p. 74 par. 22 “God Is Not Partial” ***
It was first in Antioch that “the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.” (Acts 11:26b) That God-approved name aptly describes those whose way of life is modeled on that of Christ.
But identifying yourself as a Christian is no longer adequate per the WTS. The WTS also says their organization are the only true Christian one, meaning all others are false.
*** jv chap. 11 p. 150 How We Came to Be Known as Jehovah’s Witnesses ***
While the apostles of Christ were still alive, the name Christian was distinctive and specific. (1 Pet. 4:16) All who professed to be Christians but whose beliefs or conduct belied their claim were expelled from the Christian community. However, as Jesus had foretold, after the death of the apostles Satan sowed seeds that produced imitation Christians. These counterfeits also claimed the name Christian. (Matt. 13:24, 25, 37-39) When apostate Christianity resorted to forced conversions, some claimed to be Christians simply to avoid being persecuted. In time, any European who did not claim to be a Jew, a Muslim, or an atheist was frequently considered to be a Christian, regardless of his beliefs or conduct.
Love, Blondie