Behe's an admitted Christian Nationalist, and the Discovery Intsitute "think-tank" he was affiliated with had a covert political agenda; the stealth-"Christianizing" of American politics.
Thing is, though, he even admitted under oath (in the Dover creationism trial) that the odds for natural selection functioning the way evolutionary biologists describe were overwhelmingly high.
I'd actually known this for a couple of years, and the Awake! article featuring him was one of the last few straws for me...
...I was, like, "how the hell can they justify interviewing this guy???"
That, and the piece's additional comment about evolution being wrong because it supposedly "offered no hope for the future beyond mere survival" (paraphrasing, but that's the gist), was the moment I realized that the WTS' rejection of evolution was not only deliberate, but solely ideology-driven (rather than simply an error, which I had previously assumed), and - more importantly - becasue of that, they would never budge on it.
I have since also learned that many of the flawed creationist arguments the WTS have used were often simply cribbed from other "worldly" fundamentalist sources, many of which were just semantic gymnastics, have been successfully debunked, or just plain dishonest.
That was also the first time I really grasped the core of what has become my favorite phrase...
..."if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended."