stupid elder

by goingthruthemotions 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • berrygerry

    A model family's was interviewed - part of their daily routine is checking AT LEAST once a day, each member in a family of 5.

    During the meetings I would be on the site an average of 10 times.

    Hits are different than visits.

    Visits are different than unique visits.



    For religion JW.ORG is Number #2


    Alexa logo

    Top Sites in: All Categories > Society > Religion and Spirituality

    • 1

      Search the Bible in English, German, Swedish, Latin, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Taga ... More
    • 2

      Jehovah's Witnesses. Profile, beliefs, activities, publications, contact information.
    • 3

      Each verse is listed on one page in several English translations.
    • 4

      The Christian Post is a daily, pan-denominational news publication that provides up-to-date rep ... More
    • 5

      Official site of the church headquartered in Salt Lake City since 1847. Scriptural and genealog ... More
      Number two Kiddie speak for doing a poo, used so as to not to have them swearing and they're too young to use technical words like defecate.

      Originates from rhyming slang, similarly number three is used for pee. Let me know if you want to go to the toilet, you'll get a smack if you do number two in your pants. by TheFrogPrints September 09, 2011
    • ........................................................................
    • .......................................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW
  • Apognophos

    It's actually pretty impressive in terms of sheer traffic for a religious site to rank between BibleGateway and BibleHub. And as far as specific denominations go, that means that is #1.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Why would you think any of the elders look at porn? That sounds like projection on your part.

    You mean, besides the fact that I personally knew of elders who were removed for doing so? It was mostly a joke, anyway. But thank you anyway for your dimestore psychology. There are very few posters here from whom it would mean less to me.

  • 3rdgen

    @space madness, R U kidding me?

  • smiddy

    as far as top sites in spirituality/religion goes, it comes 2nd. Biblegateway ranks 1st.

    Therefore, is presently #1 in terms of top denominational websites. The LDS site is next (ranks 5th overall).

    Thanks AnnOMaly , Its just another way JW`s bend the truth a little.They are masters of spin.


  • stuckinarut2

    whoop de doo.... so what if it is the "most visited religious site" It is only important then to a select group of people...

    I could start a website for people who collect 'yellow dish sponges' or 'aqua coloured paper clips'...then I could boast that I have "THE MOST POPULAR WEBSITE IN THE WORLD" (*amongst those who also collect yellow dish sponges or aqua coloured paper clips)

  • goingthruthemotions

    Hi Stuckinarut2...hope all is well with you!!!!!

    The problem i see is the hall zombies listen to this and actually believe it. I am like the Borean's.....i want to make sure as to what i am hearing is true.

    and from what i am finding....none of it is true.

    it's a Freaking cult!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Oubliette

    It's not surprising that gets so many hits. They've designed things so that all of the active JWs have to go there frequently to get their literature, (that's over 7 million people right there), and lots of us ex-JWs visit occasionally to d/l current magazines, (that's quite a few), and there are probably a few people that aren't and have never been JWs that visit once in a while out of curiousity.

  • punkofnice

    Out of the 'visits' gets I wonder how many are non JWs looking for the 'truth(tm)'?

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