Which situation would jesus respond to, according to to nt teachings if he came upon this scene?
Powerful photo
by zakharijah 39 Replies latest jw friends
Isn't that ironic?? A picture speaks a thousand words.
Isn't it about time someone told the Charities Commission about these tossers??
Isn't it about time someone told the Charities Commission about these tossers??
Actually, for anyone who is thinking of or who is currently writing to the Charities Commission, including a copy of this photo might not be such a bad idea - it does speak a thousand words, as they say.
Poor, poor, brainwashed fools. There are a hundred things they could be doing rather than standing on a street corner begging for money to send to the organization in New York.
I like your perspective, Jeannette, I didn't think about that :)
Well this is so against our nature. One thing, to be out there standing around, and another, to be giving out those magazines or witnessing or whatever they do now. I'll bet that only .01% like being out in service and the rest, deep in their heart, hate it. I've noticed that those that have left "the truth" say that they love to go bicycling, hiking, or just the freedom to do whatever they want on Saturday morning. But they were slaves headed for serfdom.
Beautiful Dreamer
Now they really are just peddlers .
Thanks for the pic. The JWs look as bored as the begger, but like Jeanette said, they are begging too. Wonderful pic. Kate xx
Putting on my JW hat:
Why would we waste any money on this person, we have the best news in the world that will change his life. Also WTS teaches us not to follow materialistic things and don’t think about money.
Since this system is ever so close, this poor person only needs to learn about the truth and this will be the best help we give him by saving his live.
Removing my JW hat:
What a load of crap, just help the guy with either giving him some money or buy him a meal!
Thank you for posting, this was a fascinating psychological experiment. As any objective observer can see, this photo actually tells us nothing, allowing the biased viewer to see in it whatever his biases impose upon it. Rather Rorschach-esque.