Ho much did they pay for it?
Watchtower/Telecom Ownership Agreement!
by Atlantis 47 Replies latest watchtower bible
under the radar
I suspect there may be more to this story. Latchman may be only a "beard" who was used by the Society to set up the company without anyone knowing who was really behind it. I don't know what the advantage in that may be, but I do know that local congregations (and businesses) often use individuals to purchase property in their own names so the sellers won't know who is really buying it and possibly jack up the price. That's not dishonest in itself. If you have some acreage to sell and Joe Blow wanted it, you might sell at one price. But if you knew Walmart wanted it, you'd probably charge a whole lot more. Same thing. As long as there are no lies or misrepresentations involved, it's fair game. You might even call it good strategy.
If this is the case here and the Society "hid" behind Latchman to set the company up, their "buying" him out is just the end game to the whole scheme. I don't know if this is actually what happened, and I don't know why they would want to do it that way, but it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility.
Latchman may be only a "beard"
Ha! The irony...
From page 4:
Approving the transfer of ownership of QCS will allow Watchtower to more efficiently and effectively use the donated funds that it receives from the public.
They need High Speed Fibre Internet so they can play the Stock and Money markets.
Imagine how much faster the GB can download child porn with this new aquisition.
@punkofnice - tasteless comment.
When you say beard is that the gay meaning or the theocratese meaning? To gays a beard means a female date to hide your true Identity, to JWs I think it it means an outsider but as a bearded outsider I wouldn't know because they would never use it in that context in earshot of me, to middle easterners it means a fuddy duddy preacher of any faith.
besty - Maybe 'tasteless' but that's how I feel about them. No punches pulled when it comes to that filth that ruined my family. Their actions were beyond tasteless and I owe them!
My guess: buying out a telecom company that already has the proper certifications but has zero customers is significantly less expensive than getting certified themselves. WTBTS probably can't get certified since it's not a public company in the telecom space, thus probably can't get whatever legal stuff done in order to run fibre between their facilities themselves. I really can't think of any other reason for this. But, I do have to say, this smells like a big giant scam of some sort. I can't quite put my finger on it. Certainly there are plenty of companies out there that have the capability of providing dark fibre services. There must be. This little tiny company that has no customers can't possibly be the only one. A company the size of WTBTS would never, in its right mind, even remotely consider a small, single-proprietor company to provide such important services. This whole thing makes no sense.