" Do not ask permission, just play the video--" service meeting instructions.

by prologos 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    OMG - Rutherford himself talking here!


  • stuckinarut2

    I must have missed this part....or been brain dead and zoned out during it?

    What was the actual direction??

    What video should be played to the householder?

  • darkspilver

    @WTWizard: If they are streaming, it is a waste of data. I wonder how many plays it would take a gigabyte of data. True, it can be stored on a SD card that needs to be updated every few months [snip]

    But surely you just use the super duper 'all-singing-all-dancing' JW Library App! After all it is the bestest app in the world isn't it ;)

    At bottom of app screen, click 'Publications', then the last item out of of four on the left hand side is 'Videos' - click on this and you currently get the option to download and save four videos in a choice of resolution to suit your device:

    • Why Study the Bible?
    • What Happens at a Bible Study?
    • What Happens at a Kingdom Hall?
    • Using JW.ORG to Share the Bible's Message

    That's all folks!

    DarK SpilveR

  • hamsterbait


  • bohm

    it is as if jehovahs chariot just had video for the kids build into the seats!

    By the way, there is nothing new to this. About two years ago I was approached by an asian looking couple who peddled some strange version of christianity where god was a women or somesuch. When I turned out to be a hard sell, they tried to pacify me with a video on an ipad. I can't see how this will work well, the situation of looking at a video on a small screen someone is shaking is just so out of place..

  • Justnowout

    Stuckinarut- yep its Written directly in the KM, paragraph two of the last part om this weeks service meeting

  • darkspilver

    @bohm: By the way, there is nothing new to this. About two years ago I was approached [snip] I can't see how this will work well, the situation of looking at a video on a small screen someone is shaking is just so out of place.

    Except for now, two years later (almost a lifetime in digital years) we've reached (and passed!) the 'critical mass' needed for acceptance of viewing vids on cells

    I mean, gotta get hip! Sharing (youtube) videos with friends and collegues on mobiles is second nature for digital natives - we're all doing it, literally.

    Aparently as of January 2014:

    • 40% of YouTube's traffic now comes from mobile. Compare that to just 25% last year and a paltry 6% only two years ago.
    • About 50 million people in the U.S. now watch video on their mobile phones.
    • YouTube accounts for nearly one-fifth of all mobile data traffic.


    That's all folks!

    DarK SpilveR


    I hate to say," I told you so!" LOL!! Seriously, they suck as preachers. They don't have the balls to have an honest discussion about their doctrine. That's why they can never be victorious on my " Criteria of Truth" post. It simply cannot be done.

    The GB and hidden leaders of the WTBTS know this. Hence the fear mongering about engaging apostates in debates. JWs simply cannot defend their faith. If you HONESTLY try, you learn TTATT. That's what scares the shit out of the people making money via all things WT. Its not just money, it's their way of live and their world view. I will be raising a glass this weekend to all faders and X-JWs who had the personal integrity and bravery to question "The Truth."



  • Heaven

    I think people will do what they've always done with the JWs at the door. They'll either politely listen while going to their happy place or close the door as they say "Sorry, I'm not interested."

    So far, I haven't had any one at my door with an iPad. And I work from home full time now.

  • bohm

    Darksilver: Except for now, two years later (almost a lifetime in digital years) we've reached (and passed!) the 'critical mass' needed for acceptance of viewing vids on cells

    The problem is not if the videos are "hip", the problem is it is a very unusual situation. If a person walk up to you and ask you: "Do you wonder what happends when you die?" then you might be inclined to discuss the point with him supposing one find the question interesting. On the other hand, if he proceed to read from a magacine (which I find equivalent), you are obviously no longer having a conversation and I think many people would then think: "Why do i have to hear what SOME people obviously WANT this guy to tell me?". The "read-from-your-magasine"-witnessing has been discussed several times here and many thought it was a bad way to do it even when in.

    Then again i could be wrong. I can only say I thought it was very odd when the asian couple did it, and worse, they kept shaking the screen and the sound was hard to hear. I completely lost interest at that point.

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