"Jehovah's Witnesses do better after surgery without transfusion" - Article (July 3, 2012)

by Da.Furious 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Da.Furious

    This article from 2012 published by The Birmingham News showed up on my facebook page.

    What i would have liked to see in the statistics is the inclusion of total JWs refusing blood transfusion and their survival rate not only the ones taht surviced, taking about only survivors is not like for like comparison in my opinion with patients who take blood transfusion and then dont survive.

  • bohm

    Alternative interpretation (have not read the article): No-blood treatment kill all but the weakest patients.

  • opusdei1972

    Of course, if you can avoid a blood transfusion, it is better to avoid it. However, if you have an accident and you lose a relevant quantity of blood, most problably you will die if you don't receive a blood transfusion, because your body needs oxigen quickly.

    Note that the above case is "heart surgery", but no physician would consider to avoid a blood transfusion for a person who suffered an accident with great loss of blood.

  • nugget

    My mother had surgery without blood for a broken hip. She suffered from anaemia had a fall in hospital and broke her hip again. 2 years later she is housebound and practically immobile. Had she had normal surgery she would have had a much better recovery without the complications and we wouldn't have to cope with a woman who doesn't do anything to improve the situation because God will put it all right in paradise.

    Honestly how many people die from complictions following surgery or are left long term disabled because of their insistance on non blood surgery? How many are discharged from hospital with long term issues?

  • Pistoff

    Number of JW's who died after refusing blood after accidents or when blood count was too low to count:


  • darkspilver

    Hi Da.Furious

    Ah there's a blast from the past, the Pattakos study

    Originally released online on 2 July 2012:

    And published in the magazine 'Archives of Internal Medicine' August 13/27, 2012 Volume 172, Number 15, pages 1154 to 1161:

    Use the search facility at the top of this page for more discussion ;)

    That's all folks!

    DarK SpilveR

  • BU2B

    That article is disgraceful. It shows no respect and no mention for the thousands who have died needlessly due to the mind control/undue infuence tactics of the WT.

    Of course it is better to avoid transfusions if you can, but in many cases there is no other choice. Shameful article. I would not be suprised if the writer was a JW working at the paper.

  • darkspilver

    @BU2B: I would not be suprised if the writer was a JW working at the paper.

    Ask her ;) .... Nicole Ostrow: [email protected]

    (Email address as publicly available via Bloomberg website - http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-07-02/need-for-transfusion-in-heart-surgery-questioned-in-study.html - btw it looks like it's another version of the same story by her, presumably regurgitating the same press release for multiple outlets, that's fairly standard practise)

    That's all folks!

    DarK SpilveR

  • jwfacts

    This is a specific study that will be misapplied by the Watchtower to unrelated scenarios and operations. I find it somewhat irresponsible, as it will be used to help justify avoiding blood in areas that do not have these same survival rates.

    The comparision is somewhat irrelevant, as too different types of groups are being compared. To make an accurate assessment, the article should have shown survival rates of non-jws that did not have blood transfusions, and also survival of the entire group.

    The other factor not mentioned is that the preparation done on JWs and operations are far more costly and intensive in order to reduce the need for blood. If such level of care was taken for all patients, then survival rates are likely to have been higher across the board.

  • darkspilver

    @jwfacts: The other factor not mentioned is that the preparation done on JWs and operations are far more costly and intensive in order to reduce the need for blood.

    I understand that that's an accepted principle - blood transfusions can often be avoided by careful operative technique

    @jwfacts:If such level of care was taken for all patients, then survival rates are likely to have been higher across the board.

    Which surely begs the question why such level of care isn't taken for all patients....

    That's all folks!

    DarK SpilveR

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