Obama speech at UN: No religion should teach children to hate people
by cultBgone 18 Replies latest social current
Well then why does this president keep defending and touting Islam?
Well that took a left turn....
sir82 - "Well that took a left turn...."
More Rightward, by the sound of it, actually.
OMG! Armageddon is so very near. I am going back to the Kingdumb Hell
Hey sorry for the oversized picture, I tried for over half an hour to update the post with a smaller one but the site wouldn't connect for some reason.
Religion throughout human history has been a backing focal point of prejudice, bigotry, cultural indifference
and hatred.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
The Great Tribulation is upon us! The UN will now take Obama's words as a 'go-ahead' for destroying religion as foretold in WT prophecy.
That organisation is such a joke. They can't even enforce their own resolutions, let alone destroying ALL world religions.
Maybe somebody should let Obama know about the JW hate practices teaching to hate and shun family members who don't share their beliefs and children being threatened with shunning by their own parents should they leave, etc.
Well then why does this president keep defending and touting Islam?
Well who the hell has he been bombing and killing for the past 6 years? Your not even logical.