The height of delusion on display at last Tuesdays meeting...

by BU2B 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • BU2B

    I literally just sat there with my mouth open. Sometimes the delusional mind of JWs takes steroids.

    It was during the Draw close to Jehovah study where they praise the Mosaic law and how perfectly wonderful it was. You should have seen the almost giddy attitude the conductor had and the comments from the audience. The source material was bad enough, but the comments went even further.

    One brother said something to the effect of, "In modern wars we see civilians involved in the conflict getting raped and killed, it was not like that with Jehovahs army, they only killed when Jehovah told them to. They were pagans so they deserved to die!" WTF?? What a contadiction. He drew a comparison to modern wars that involve civilians, trying to say that Jehovahs not like that, yet they went from city to city killing everyone man and beast!

    I also did not like that they claimed that the Israelites did not rape. While they may not have done it on the spot, in many cases the virgins were forced to marry the very soldiers they just witnessed kill their parents and siblings. They could pick out those "beautiful in form" "all who they chose" What if she did not want to have sex with her new husband? He wouldnt force himself on her would he?

    Another comment went something like this- "We see armies of the past like the Gauls, Mongols, Attila the Hun. They went from city to city brutalizing people and slaughtering them and taking the women. Jehovahs army was loving. They offered surrender and only killed them if they refused!" WTF?? I must have missed where they gave the cannanites the chance to surrender.. In fact as I recall, Joshua got pretty pissed when the Gibeonites devised their plan to avoid being slaughtered like animals!

    Even when I believed, such comments would seem to me to come from mentally comprimised persons.

    In the paragraph it said that unlike other armies of the time, they did not engage in wanton slaughter!! How do they figure that? No explanation for that one..

    It was sick to see people in the 21st century justify such stone age thinking. The whole lesson was sick. They praise a law that advocated slavery, torture and capital punishment for disrespecting your parents. JWs really want to be under the law so bad, they wish they could be. They enjoy living under the modern day talmud of the WT.

    On the bright side, many did not raise their hands and I suspect a good portion had the same thoughts I did. I know for a fact that many JWs struggle with the barbarism of the OT. I know I did. Unlike other religions, the GB do not try to forget about the barbarism, they highlight it and praise it as good!

  • Daisychaindream

    its ok though, they left the fruit bearing trees!!!

  • suavojr

    I also did not like that they claimed that the Israelites did not rape. While they may not have done it on the spot, in many cases the virgins were forced to marry the very soldiers they just witnessed kill their parents and siblings. They could pick out those "beautiful in form" "all who they chose" What if she did not want to have sex with her new husband? He wouldnt force himself on her would he?

    The book is horrible but the reading assingment was worst...

    I guess they did not read the reading assignment for this week from the book of Numbers chapters 30 to 32. Chapter 31 clearly shows how loving these Israelites really were.

    On the bright side, many did not raise their hands and I suspect a good portion had the same thoughts I did. I know for a fact that many JWs struggle with the barbarism of the OT. I know I did. Unlike other religions, the GB do not try to forget about the barbarism, they highlight it and praise it as good!

    During the bible highlights only 7 people made a comment and NOT ONE PERSON was brave enough to talk about the killings perpetuated in chapter 31. Like many have said before, when you read the bible and isolate the verses that preachers don’t like to highlight, YOU TURN ATHEIST!!

    I was hearing on the radio testimonies from women who escaped ISIS and I could not finish the complete story. The woman who first spoke was telling how they are selling 9 year old girls for sex, how women decided to hang themselves or cut their wrists vs. getting raped, and I could hear the pain and anguish through the radio. I had to turn it off.

    ISIS does all of this in the name of Allah and the Israelites did it in the name of Yahweh, what is the difference? NONE.

  • DesirousOfChange

    ISIS does all of this in the name of Allah and the Israelites did it in the name of Yahweh, what is the difference? NONE.

    What ridiculous archaic thinking!

    At least today wars are fought for money or oil!

    All in the name of the Almighty GOD Dollar.


  • BU2B

    Suavojr- You are so right. I just read numbers 31. Can you imagine the horrible screams as people were slaughtered? Can you imagine the amount of blood? Can you imagine!!! Anyone who defends this is a moral reprobate.

  • BU2B

    They like to say that Jehovah did not promote polygamy, only tolerate it. Well when you divide 32000 women among men who most likely already have wives, what is that?? Jehovah commanded them to take the women as SPOILS OF WAR FOR YOURSELVES!

  • BU2B

    How Ironic that the CBS mentioned that the Israelites did not engage in wanton slaughter and rape, yet the weeks assingned bible reading showcases that very thing! What a mindf*&k.

  • Oubliette

    The flood was mass genocide.

    Jehovah orders people put to death for all sorts of trivial things.

    "I love you. Worship me ... or die."

  • rebel8

    I don't know how anyone can read such passages and still believe in a loving god.

  • SAHS

    I too felt sick when going through this latest material in the “Congregation Bible Study.” The book mentions how the Israelites apparently didn’t kill wantonly or rape women. Yah, right. But when those old assholes blew the war signal in their silver trumpets, the out-of-control hockey team known as the Israelites went to work doing what they did best: killing as many men, women, children, animals, non-fruit-bearing trees, Smurfs, or anything else they could get their hateful, greedy hands on. The only exception was that they weren’t to kill young girls who had never had sexual relations with a man. (No, they would be the ones to turn them girls into real women.)

    As far as ‘not raping,’ the truth of the matter is that the Israelites captured females and then, after waiting for a “a whole month” (to allow the poor girls to grieve for their killed parents), they could “have relations with [them]” and take them as their wives. (Deut. 21:10-13) And I guess they had to bloody well like it or lump it – literally. (Lumps, black eyes, knocked out teeth – well, you get the idea.)

    Such a loving God, ain’t he?

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