Let say there is no god or at least not one that we can put in a box.
People that do scary things need to believe there is something more than nothing.
Even if it is bullshxx
Many people would not be policemen or military men if they thought this live was all there was
and they could easily loose it.
Atheism and expanded thought processes are something for the affluent.
Also belief and fear of god is a way to control the masses.
Once you expand your thinking you become a different sector of the masses.
You become enlightened and that and 2$ will buy you a coffe in a lot of places.
When I was young it used to be and that and 25cents/ two bits will get you a cup of coffee
Maybe more and more people are becoming aware of the so called God delusion.
more and more people are on anti depressants
Is that good?
In a way and maybe its a delussion just like the grass is always greener on the other side.
But it seems like life was simpler, not knowing the truth about the truth.
I would never go back.
And there being no god is really simpler than all of the rules and regulations of any particular god.