Great Post. Thanks for sharing
my first post! (long read sorry in advance)
by Letts Party 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Welcome Letts Party.
You voiced much of what many people feel and think of being involved in this organization.
I think its both valuable and important to realize most religions were established by men who were set to cultivate their own assuming power and control .
From that individual endeavor comes strange and unusual teachings, more so when these men were not academically trained bible theologians.
ie .... C T Russell (salesman) ... J Rutherford (lawyer) the people who were to follow these men's positions were trained theologically by these men.
You could start your own religion if you wanted to Letts Party, just to show what I'm talking about.
On another note… apostates (is that what we call ourselves? It still carries a really negative sting, I don’t like it)
Technically speaking......JW's would have to have the truth for apostates to actually apply. We all know they do not have the true religion.
Welcome to the board.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Similarstory to mine but my conversation with the best wife in the world (sorry bud gotta disagree with you there!) is still on hold a year down the line.... Time. It takes time.
Love your screen name. There's always a party going on in Lett's face. I'm optimistic that the good advice above and your well-functioning mind will win the day, as far as your wife is concerned. I've been on this road a little longer than you, and I can certainly recommend the journey. All the best.
Welcome Letts Party! Glad you found us. You will find the best advice ever here from many that have been and are continuing to walk in your shoes.
Welcome. Ah, newly married and just finding out that the JWs are not what they appear to be...that sounds familiar. I think it says a lot that you trusted your wife with this information as well. I would recommend treading carefully there. My wife turned me in for my doubts, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. My story is well-covered here on this site, up to and including my judicial committee. Check it out sometime. Hopefully none of that is in your future.
Continue reading and thinking. That's all I can say. You'll land on your feet, but it may hurt for a while. Keep using this place for support if you need to. I wish you the best.
yadda yadda 2
I read your whole post and really enjoyed it.
You're obviously very intelligent and articulate.
You are re-joining the human race after WAKING UP to the fact you grew up in a fantastical, utopian CULT inherited from your parents.
The snake of superstition lies at the foot of the babes cradle.
Take it easy on yourself and don't overreact or feel the need to do anything right now. Just keep reading and truth-seeking and soaking it all up like a sponge. Then let istsimmer and percolate in your mind. You're young, evidently; time is on your side. Go West young man!
Trust your own intelligence and critical thinking ability.
Just take it slow.
You're escaping an ILLUSION. Don't let waking up to nothing more than an illusion damage your great marriage.
Don't do anything to provoke anyone not the elders or your wife. Keep loving your wife and being very sensitive to her emotional needs right now. Don't push her buttons too hard ok. You are very fortunate she appears to love you very much and is cutting you some slack on this.
Take it easy, be wise.
Remember, it's a cult illusion. Just humour it. It's better to be happy than right sometimes.
Letts Party ...hello, sending you & the wife a huge
welcome! Congrats on waking up!
Escaping a cult takes a lot of energy so get some
extra rest. Many of us on here, sat up all thru many
nights researching ..... going to bed, only to jump up
and run to the computer again because we kept
wondering & were excited to know more answers!
Pheeew........those were the days!
Cherish your freedom & the priceless ability to
see clearly now ...
Wonderful first post, look forward to seeing more.
Letts Party
Thanks everyone for your kind words!
Oubliette its nice to know that it's been done successfully. For the time being I just want to make sure no one gets hurt in the process.
Make Lemonade thank you so much, that means a lot to me.
Finkelstein That is so true! and me starting my own religion if I had the resources is something I specifically mentioned to my wife to prove that point! Its really logical!
AlphaMan Thank you sir! good point!
disposable hero of hypocrisy its been a year? I'm afraid of that happening. Is it working out or are you interested in bringing it up again? I'm experiencing what I've seen other posters experience in the past where I would want to yell it from the roof tops and bring the whole thng down. Too bad it's impossible.
DNCall thanks for that! I wasn't sure if everyone was going to catch the name. I was trying to up load a photo of him as my avatar but couldn't figure out how. How has your journey been so far? I'll look at your other posts.
Dagney Thank you!
sd-7 I'm so sorry to hear about this going down so badly. I'll look for your story. Thanks for your kind words.
yadda yadda 2 Thanks for your message and words of encouragement!
Remember, it's a cult illusion. Just humour it. It's better to be happy than right sometimes.
Yes for the time being, I think I'll just be stuck humoring it. Its just sickening to think I have to play by their rules. Very sad. Is your screename a Seinfeld reference btw? huge fan!
clarity thank you so much!! that sounds a lot like me right now!!! I'm really looking forward to interacting with you all more often!