I'm sure the members of the Governing Body would certainly characterize themselves as 'spiritually strong'. I completely disagree. They seem to me like the LEAST spiritual people I've come across. Listen to their talks.....filled with inane platitudes and bigoted personal opinions. I suspect the REAL spiritually strong folks would never go around bragging about it, or even give it a second thought. To most JWs, 'spiritually strong' means blindly obeying everything the Watchtower magazine prints, whether it makes sense or not.
Spiritually strong people don't care what others think of them.
by hoser 34 Replies latest jw friends
prologos, thanks for ironically pointing out the contrast with the WT's definition of "spiritually strong." If I have erred in the course of commented on this thread it would be because I assumed the OP was referring to real "spiritually strong people" and not the JW self-righteous brand.
Navytown, thank you for drawing this important distinction regarding the meaning of the term under discussion. All of my comments should be understood in the more general, broadly accepted meaning of the term and not the WT's spin on it.
I believe that it is a matter of balance and what kind of “care” someone has about other’s opinions. The title of this thread could more accurately be: “Spiritually strong people don’t care overly much about everything others think of them.” Obviously, a sane person would care about what others think of them if they were to, say, run outside completely bare-naked, or have sex with a little child on their front lawn while wearing a Donald Duck mask on a Saturday afternoon in front of everybody, or play an Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas album at deafening volume through speakers facing outward on their window sill at three o’clock in the morning on a Sunday night in the middle of the month of June. No, sir. I think we would all care at least that much about other’s opinions.
But, at the same time, a spiritually strong person – or, more scientifically, a psychologically/emotionally healthy person – doesn’t care inordinately or unreasonably about what others think of them. Such a person has the confidence and security with their ego to go about their lives within a fairly broad range of what is socially/legally acceptable without internalizing and worrying about other people’s parochial and narrow-minded tenants of etiquette, as they see it. I myself don’t judge anybody based on their income, clothing, vehicle or house (or lack thereof), or their ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, or sexual orientation (unless that involves harmful sadism or rape), but the thing that I do judge people on is how they treat others. (I never cared for bullies.) Other than that, I just accept everyone for who/what they are – and I wish and hope that others will likewise be that way with me.
So, while “spiritually strong people” do have some basic “care” regarding fundamental logical social norms, they also, nevertheless, are able to walk with their head up and be proud of who/what they are. The basic “spiritual” principles, I believe, are: Live and let live, love and not harm, respect yourself and others.
SAHS, well said!
No doubt, much of the problem with the OP is in understanding what it means to be "spiritually strong." That being said, I think it is possible, maybe even likely, that HOSER didn't really mean for the thread title to be taken on its literal meaning.
Often people do not really say what they intend and so miscommunication results.
Jesus clearly DID care for what others thought.
Curiously, Hoser has not returned to this thread.
Within the JW culture, there is a *huge* emphasis on avoiding behaviour that could potentially Stumble™ someone else. It doesn't matter whether you are deemed Spiritually Strong™ or Spiritually Weak™, if someone takes offense at anything you do, they can make the claim that your behaviour has the potential to Stumble™ someone else, and you are expected to cease and desist without delay, lest you become Bloodguilty™.
Personally, I feel this is one of the methods used by JW bullies to manipulate/control other JWs into conforming to their wishes.
Scully: Personally, I feel this is one of the methods used by JW bullies to manipulate/control other JWs into conforming to their wishes.
Ray Franz made the comment in one of his books (can't remember if it was CofC or ISoCF), that it was because of this peculiar interpretation of the "not stumble others" edict that the people in the congregation with the weakest consciences were often the ones that ended up determining what was "right and wrong," "acceptable or not" for the rest of the congregation.
As a mental health professional (former clinician), I guess I've been thrown into the group that allegedly has consensus on this subject, so I would like to comment.
"Not caring what others think is a hallmark trait of antisocial behavior, sociopaths and psychopaths"
Yes. It is also a trait of other things, such as a balanced self concept, healthy coping skills and some normal personality types such as INTJ.
Pathological or criminal disregard for the rights and wishes of others, in the context of DSM criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder, is an entirely separate thing from "not caring what others think of them" as described in the OP.
I consider myself spiritually strong, which is why i researched what i believed to be misleading info.
and now here I am, knowing once again, I was right. never fear research info. truth can be tested.
I do not care what people think of my opinions and how i choose to view things or live my life, however
i am considerate in the 'nth' degree. unless Im challenged of course.