TD, kaik: All this is educational and revealing. Things like the Hasmonean dynasty, John Hycanus, Hellenization, sects and parties, taxation, etc. Outside reading form well informed sources..helps put a lot of things in perspective. But I think we (I) may have hijacked the OP. Sorry..but i think it is somewhat related.
Fisherman: Required: "important" = "Too many cooks spoil the broth". Cliche = "A trite or overused expression or idea."(Dictionary) Here's that I was guilty of as a JW: "My mind's made up, don't confuse me with the facts". Not any more, I'll keep learning and sorting-with a relatively open mind. All too often we get presented with the facts, whatever their source, and we are unwilling to accept them. The inquiring mind will still investigate what's presented, especially if the source displays validity. "A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still". Ben Franklin. That sort of described me when I was first awakening.