is it possible to raise good kids with out religious morals?

by Princess Ashe 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FeelingFree

    My little sister was about 11 when my parents actively stopped being witnessess. She had very limited knowledge of anything JW related as they had been sporadic for several years.

    I have to say her friends all through secondary school would of put a lot witnessess to shame. They were good students, didn't under age drink, do drugs or have sex and very rarely sweared. They were/are a lovely bunch of girls even now they are in their early 20's. I think there are plenty of parents out there that manage to instill great moral's and produce well behaved, great kids.

    I think you just have to go with your gut feelings about things and as long as you remain consitant in what you feel is right or wrong you can't possibly do a bad job.

    I understand where you are coming from as a mother myself, all we can do is what we think is best for our children. You know at the end of the day they will always find fault in their upbringing no matter what you do! lol x

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Religious morals are inferior to modern societal morals. Relying on religion to teach kids morality is lazy parenting.

  • Oubliette

    You might appreciate this essay:

    Ethics Based On Critical Intelligence

    The moral views of secular humanism have been subjected to criticism by religious fundamentalist theists. The secular humanist recognizes the central role of morality in human life; indeed, ethics was developed as a branch of human knowledge long before religionists proclaimed their moral systems based upon divine authority. The field of ethics has had a distinguished list of thinkers contributing to its development: from Socrates, Democritus, Aristotle, Epicurus, and Epictetus, to Spinoza, Erasmus, Hume, Voltaire, Kant, Bentham, Mill, G. E. Moore, Bertrand Russell, John Dewey, and others. There is an influential philosophical tradition that maintains that ethics is an autonomous field of inquiry, that ethical judgments can be formulated independently of revealed religion, and that human beings can cultivate practical reason and wisdom and, by its application, achieve lives of virtue and excellence. Moreover, philosophers have emphasized the need to cultivate an appreciation for the requirements of social justice and for an individual's obligations and responsibilities toward others. Thus, secularists deny that morality needs to be deduced from religious belief or that those who do not espouse a religious doctrine are immoral. For secular humanists, ethical conduct is, or should be, judged by critical reason, and their goal is to develop autonomous and responsible individuals, capable of making their own choices in life based upon an understanding of human behavior.

    Morality that is not God-based need not be antisocial, subjective, or promiscuous, nor need it lead to the breakdown of moral standards. Although we believe in tolerating diverse lifestyles and social manners, we do not think they are immune to criticism. Nor do we believe that any one church should impose its views of moral virtue and sin, sexual conduct, marriage, divorce, birth control, or abortion, or legislate them for the rest of society. As secular humanists we believe in the central importance of the value of human happiness here and now. We are opposed to absolutist morality, yet we maintain that objective standards emerge, and ethical values and principles may be discovered, in the course of ethical deliberation. Secular humanist ethics maintains that it is possible for human beings to lead meaningful and wholesome lives for themselves and in service to their fellow human beings without the need of religious commandments or the benefit of clergy. There have been any number of distinguished secularists and humanists who have demonstrated moral principles in their personal lives and works: Protagoras, Lucretius, Epicurus, Spinoza, Hume, Thomas Paine, Diderot, Mark Twain, George Eliot, John Stuart Mill, Ernest Renan, Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, Clarence Darrow, Robert Ingersoll, Gilbert Murray, Albert Schweitzer, Albert Einstein, Max Born, Margaret Sanger, and Bertrand Russell, among others.

    Moral Education

    We believe that moral development should be cultivated in children and young adults. We do not believe that any particular sect can claim important values as their exclusive property; hence it is the duty of public education to deal with these values. Accordingly, we support moral education in the schools that is designed to develop an appreciation for moral virtues, intelligence, and the building of character. We wish to encourage wherever possible the growth of moral awareness and the capacity for free choice and an understanding of the consequences thereof. We do not think it is moral to baptize infants, to confirm adolescents, or to impose a religious creed on young people before they are able to consent. Although children should learn about the history of religious moral practices, these young minds should not be indoctrinated in a faith before they are mature enough to evaluate the merits for themselves. It should be noted that secular humanism is not so much a specific morality as it is a method for the explanation and discovery of rational moral principles.

  • cultBgone

    Ashe, don't feel bad about your question. As jdubs we were taught to follow The Rules and told that Everyone in The World was morally depraved, so it's a transition to step out of the jdub box and make your own decisions.

    Obviously you have great moral sense as you saved your children from a life of lies by leaving!

    Teach your children to be kind, to have empathy, and to think for themselves. Everything will work out just fine with you leading by example.


  • blondie

    So we are assuming that all religions live by the same set of morals? Not, that's why there are so many different "Christian" religions claiming to use the same book of so-called morals.

    If you feel you are Christian, do you remember this scripture?

    (Romans 2:13-15) 14 For whenever people of the nations that do not have law do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. 15 They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused.

    Jesus in the bible supposedly said, that Christians did not need laws, just 2 very broad ones.

    Paul showed that people not under the Law code, still followed the principles of the law without knowing them.

    So who needs religion and the hypocrital histories they have and continue making.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    is it possible to raise good kids with out religious morals?

    It depends on what you call good.

    I raised my son without religious morals.

    He hasnt been in jail yet,

    He is 40 and educated.

    He has 2 childred under 10.

    The jury is out on them, they seem to be good.

  • hamsterbait

    You can ALWAYS raise good kids as long as they are not mentally sick.

    The gods you believe in are not the crucial factor. Chinese believed in the Jade Emperor. You name them , somebody believed in them, and a stable society results...

    Jdubs say that without belief in a " god" - that is THEIR God life is no more meaningful than that of a squirrel

    So what about all the other moral systems that believe in other gods... They produce fine upstanding individuals, without the slaughter of Joshua or Judges.

    Morality is a product of human evolution. It enabled us to work together and survive.

    The god of the Bible resembles a primitive King. The same egotistical homicidal rants we read in the records of non-Jewish nations.

    So : YES

  • stuckinarut2


    I know many great families in our community who are very close, and happy...and NON RELIGIOUS!

    In fact that is WHY they are happy!

  • Mickey mouse
  • hamsterbait

    Don't JWs and other Christians ever wonder how the heathen nations worked out that murder, stealing, lying, adultery, assault and envy are wrong, thousands of years before Moses climbed Mt Sinai?

    Presumably it was their non-existent gods that told them? Why didn't the dick end choppers work it out for themselves, like everybody else?

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