There are a lot of topics about religiouse hatred, so on a personal level why do you find it difficult to love or like individuals?
Love all the people...
by new hope and happiness 17 Replies latest social current
From an evolutionary point of view I do not have the cranial space to form emotional attachments much beyond a few hundred people and beyond that I am forced to conceptualise people in blocks.
Plus some people are ars*holes.
new hope and happiness
Let me get the ball rolling, sometimes i find it difficult to accept people for who they are. I guess i wish they were more like i want them to be. So mabe often the problem is not about them but more about me?
new hope and happiness
Qcmbr: you say some peole are ars#holes
Agreed. But what makes people ars#holes ? Are they insecure? Is it because their life sucks? Or were they always ars#holes?
There is a saying " you attrack what you get" and i have found many i thought were ars#holes were never really ars#holes at all.
But yes i have known quite a few ars#holes...
The secret is ... when you are making new friends, learning not to 'care' about your differences, and celebrate the commonalities. If a person has attributes that you don't like to be around, then stay away from them. Spend time with people that share your point of view. It's just that simple.
The only place you have to tolerate arseholes may be on the job. In your personal life, why bother?It took me a long time to practice this ... many years of saying "Why? Whydoes s/he/it act like that?" It can make you crazy .. haha! Finally, I realized that I can't ever read those people's minds, or understand why they act lke they do. And life is far too short to waste time trying, unless you are a therapist and that is your profession.
new hope and happiness
Well said talesin i think we are at the same place.
But sometimes unmarsking an ars#hole can cause a great disruption in our life. I myself was once an annoying ars#hole with my message of salvation. I am glad i have taken that mask off. At least i was a sincere ars#hole.
Some people have social qualities that cause me to have visceral biological responses like dry heaves and headaches. These people generally take more than they give or is a just share arguing that it is a biological response. There is a category of person I loathe - the bully - they intimidate me and elicit a fight or flight response.
new hope and happiness
Welcome to Qcmbr.
Anyway the way i see it is the world is like a ride at an amusement park. And when you get on that ride you think it will be fun but the ride goes up and down. Somw people have been on that ride along time and they realize its best just to enjoy the ride and be happy within themselfs. Others are scared and insecure, and these are the people its hard to like or love.
new hope and happiness
People i find hard to like:
Those that dont buy a round of drinks.
Those that dont appreciate the etiquette of queuing.
Meeting a stranger for the first time who thinks he knows everything.
When someone else breaks wind in the lift and trys to pretend its me.
People who leave their dog shit for me to step on.
Yes the rollercoaster of life makes it difficult to like let alone love all the people.
From a Biblical perspective ( the OP does mention religious hatred ) we are told to love one another and to treat others as we would like to be treated . As far as I know we are not told to like everyone . Love in the Bible is an attitude not an emotion , it is about doing what is best for someone else ,if you like them or not . If that can be stretched to reasoning that "if I stay around this person I may punch them , so the best I can do is not be around that person " I'm not sure !! maybe .