*** w52 10/1 599 A Strong Refuge Today ***
11 Haters of God and his people are to be hated, but this does not mean that we will take any opportunity of bringing physical hurt to them in a spirit of malice or spite, for both malice and spite belong to the Devil, whereas pure hatred does not. We must hate in the truest sense, which is to regard with extreme and active aversion, to consider as loathsome, odious, filthy, to detest. Surely any haters of God are not fit to live on his beautiful earth. The earth will be rid of the wicked and we shall not need to lift a finger to cause physical harm to come to them, for God will attend to that, but we must have a proper perspective of these enemies. His name signifies recompense to the enemies.
Be that as it may . . .
JW's are only really different because they make no overt pretense of loving the world.
The Kingdom Hall manufactures wind-up dolls that go through certain motions which includes "love among themselves". It is as hollow as a taxidermist's moosehead.
How would a Jehovah's Witness answer the question? (Do Jehovah's Witnesses LOVE their enemies?")
Jesus' message encouraged his followers to LOVE THEIR ENEMY.
Are Jw's encouraged to Love their enemies?
They aren't allowed to pray for disfellowshipped former brethern although they are stray sheep. You'll recall Jesus said that a fine shepherd would leave the 99 sheep to go after and return with the "stray".
How do JW's love their enemies?
A JW would tell you the door-to-door distribution of religious materials (opinions promoted as God-directed) is their way of showing love.
Let's examine that claim.
In the last 100+ years, all those books and magazines in the billions are now "old light" unfit for use in teaching the "Truth"--are they not?
Sure! Otherwise, the "new light" would not have had to replace it!
What conclusion is inescapable? All that door-to-door work only served to distribute WRONG teaching!
Is it a strong indication of LOVE to give people your stupid opinions and call it God-approved?
No--it is annoying, self-aggrandizing and pompous . . . NOT LOVING.
JW's are no better and far worse than mainstrem Christian denominations.
They do not demonstrate a practical, socially beneficial and charitable love. The demonstrate a kind of slick Corporate sales version, instead.
The WTS and its members resemble this scripture, only saying but not doing:
(James 2:15-16) . . .If a brother or a sister is in a naked state and lacking the food sufficient for the day, 16 yet a certain one of YOU says to them: "Go in peace, keep warm and well fed," but YOU do not give them the necessities for [their] body, of what benefit is it?