bible study = three 15-minute conversation, then you can count a study even if it ends at the 3rd segment
1000 studies
by sporece 15 Replies latest jw experiences
I have just had this thrown down my throat as a counter-blow to me sending the person the links regarding the Abuse Court cases:
It would seem that the stats are "all over the place" so until we see this on the JW.Borg it is all speculums !!
New JW website format as of Aug 27, 2012. It took them nine months to prepare the site for launch, which according to the average computer programmer is phenomenal. Ps. 127:1- unless Jehovah builds it.
Original launch 2012. Now 2014
398 languages for download. 700 languages for download
139 website languages. 544 website languages
101 pages. 314 pages
Since the beginning
850 million visits
4 billion pages viewed
1 billion downloads
1.5 million videos played
Bible study requests
2013. 42,000 more than 100 a day
2014. 60,000 more than 165 a day Results for August
9,845 Bible study requests 318 per day
1.5 million new visitors to the website
QR code scanned on magazines 350,000
QR code on the back of JW tract scanned 940,000
If you ever wonder how powerful the website is this experience may help. A couple who had lived a rough life now married and with two children decided they wanted to become spiritual. The wife came across the website and really enjoyed what she found, she shared it with her husband and they both agreed to contact the witnesses. They phoned the local Kingdom Hall several times but never called at a time someone was there. So they decided to learn on their own based on the website. They started to make changes in their lives. Changed their clothing, got rid of unwholesome music ect... They put in a request in the website to have someone contact her. A sister received the follow up slip feeling a little nervous she promptly followed through. When she knocked the couple answered and replied we have been waiting for you. They progresses rapidly due to the knowledge they had already gained from the website. They were contacted in December and were us baptized publishers by February.
We were reminded that everything Jehovah's organization produces is best used in the hands of those well trained. Ps 144:1 Recently Jehovah has been training us how to use the website effectively by means of many parts in our kingdom ministry, are we responding to the training?"""""" -
Where did this information originate?
What does it even prove?
I ponder many things but 1000 is not a great number.
Pete Zahut
Did anyone else besides me inquire about a study and then prepare a TTATT presentation for them for when they come a callin' ?