Oh, and why do they repeat the line "The Kingdom has been brought to birth...." Usually if they lyrics are identical for both verses they just print it as one line (as they do with the last two lines).
AGM 2014 Songs
by wifibandit 40 Replies latest watchtower bible
the bass clef symbol must be of pagan origin because it is missing on all three songs.
Perhaps their best piano player lost his left hand in a tragic skiing accident?
St George of England
Thank you to whoever put these up.
"we will see the things unseen"??
So IF they see them, they are not unseen. IF they are unseen, then they cannot see them. Stupid phrasing by whomever wrote this drivel!
Are these replacing songs that they have copyright issues with? Why even go through the trouble of adding them, don't they have enough in the song book already that they aren't singing? Do these fill in some kind message missing from the current hymnal? I suppose the third one, telling God what his name is in song lest he not know that they have assigned that name to him.
Dismissing servant
WTF?? An F chord in bar no 3...? It has to sound like shit!
The good musicians probably are not spiritual enough to write kingdom melodies . That's how it works most of the time in the org. The one with the biggest number on their field service time slip gets the honors regardless of competence.
They are ramping up the fear with this ditty...
Grant Us Boldness
(Act 4:29)As we tell about the Kingdom,
As we witness for your name,
There are many who oppose us,
And who try to bring us shame.But instead of fearing men,
It’s really you we must obey.
So we beg you now for your spirit,
O Jehovah, hear what we pray.CHORUS
Grant us boldness as we witness;
Help us overcome our fear.
Give us confidence and courage,
So that all the world may hear.
Armageddon draws ever near,
But until that great day is here,
Grant us boldness as we witness.
This is our prayer.Even though we may be fearful,
You remember we are dust.
Your assurance to support us,
Is a promise we can trust.Give attention to the threats
Of those who persecute and blame.
May you help us all to continue
As we boldly speak in your name.(Repeat chorus)
(See also 1 Thess. 2:2; Heb. 10:35.)
Good point Londo111! Look at the notes on those beats.
Marked for later, 'gator!