What is our place in the universe? Scientists map our galactic supercluster and give it a name, Laniakea.
How much bigger and more beautiful are our heavens than the ancients could have imagined.
by jgnat 20 Replies latest social current
What is our place in the universe? Scientists map our galactic supercluster and give it a name, Laniakea.
How much bigger and more beautiful are our heavens than the ancients could have imagined.
Scientists map our galactic supercluster and give it a name, Laniakea.
Cool. An upgrade from the Virgo Supercluster.
I've been intrigued by the Bolshoi project
Grand indeed.
The big bang theory holds that all this was once very small, a single point. and we, our constituents were in THERE, one way or another, we were once at the center of the universe, and in a sense we still are. looking in all directions, the universe, the background radiation looks remarkably even, the local apparent giants in our field of vision, like the moon, the sun, the galaxy, Virgo, Laniakea notwithstanding.
Twitch, true, I did not imply 'EVEN' but as it appears ~BALANCED, and the view is from the center, over the planet, where the observatories were located, floated, orbited.
Imagine the earth at the center of these images.
The geo-centric view of the ancestors was based on the earth's rotation, the world was apperently revolving around us,
the new earth-centered view's illusion is flawed too, despite these and other deep field pictures.
Seen from anywhere in the Universe at any time, you could get the impression, looking far enough* , that you are central to this great edifice.
yes, we are the center of the universe, but not the only one.
* back in time and space.