Thanks for sharing.
New Appointments Are Very Fast & All On The CO
by baldeagle 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
William Penwell
Sounds like this is to get the WT out of all capability if this appointee screws up. I guess they have enough Pedo lawsuits to deal with and they don't/can't handle anymore. Like someone else on here said everything the WT does goes through their legal department, so this is all by design. The CO better have deep pockets if he gets sued.
The CO better have deep pockets if he gets sued.
The COs take a vow of poverty just as do Bethelites. Unless they have "family money" they're probably broke, esp all the new ones that are coming from the ranks of long-time piosneers. As a result, there will be fewer law suits. An attorney won't go after a pauper with no assets. I'm sure that' s the WTS strategy.
So we know why they the CO's are appointing people but what excuse did the Borg tell the elders and CO's for the change??
Now I don't see it like this (accountability) - I think this is a simple follow the dollars job.
Here in UK - how many congs? 1500? Let's say just one appointment/deletion per CO visit on average. That's 3000 processing and rubber stamps to get though - ten/twelve a working day for one man for a year. They can save a bethelite's (and his toilet cleaning wife's) board and lodging by chucking it to the CO to do. Now take all the pioneer on and offs being done by the Service Committees - that's another bethel couple to lose.
Now take all the appealed deletions that need branch approval - all down the COs' chute.
In the USA times that by what 8? So lots of lolly saved.
I'm sorry, I am still laughing about "records" being a judge of spirituality.
“I have appointed to a MS……..”
It sure is good to see that "holy spirit" is so involved with any apointments, isnt't it?
William Penwell
I'm sorry, I am still laughing about "records" being a judge of spirituality.
I remember reading on here that some former elders admit they fudged their numbers at the end of the month if they didn't meet the WT minimum numbers.
I have appointed..........
Seems the final death knell for the idea of H /S having anything to do with it...
They say that they follow the first century pattern ?
Acts 5:28
"For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things:"
Acts 20:28
"which the holy spirit has appointed you overseers,"
This may be just this one CO. The cong. I attend had an appointment last time around, after this new arrangement was in place. It was just read as, "So and so has been appointed..."