I have wondered that, "just how much control they have".
What exactly do the Governing body(TM) do?
by punkofnice 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
How much control does the Pope have ? seemingly the Pope is the foremost authority and dispenser of doctrine within the Catholic Church. But in reality he will do nothing without the assent of at least most of his Cardinals and other advisors.
Similarly with the GB, they claim the same right of Magesterium and speaking Ex-cathedra , but in reality every move is controlled by the advisors behind them, they do not have anything like absolute power.
But, like the Popes, History will hold them accountable for all they have done, and not done.
The GB give opinions disguised as channeled truth.
The GB pass themselves off as the visible representatives of the government of the returned Jesus Christ.
As visible symbols of that 100 year old government, they demand obdience as 'bright and shining ones.'
What the Vatican was for Catholics, the GB is for JW's.
To obey the opinions of the Society without question is considered loyalty by the GB.
To be a Jehovah's Witness is to engage in idolatry; the visible object being the GB.
new hope and happiness
The governing body do what they do, the way they always do, and the way they have always done.
Translation: What exactly do the G.B do? They are a nuisiance and ruin peoples lifes the way they always have done.
Calebs Airplane
you mean besides protecting pedophiles and watching kiddy porn? Not much of anything else... Depends on what their latest marketing firm tells them to do...
I suspect decisions are made well before the issue is presented to the GB. They probably make the decision between A and B. But the decision as to what is presented is made long before a sanitized presentation is made.
I believe that the GB has to rely heavily on professional advisors, (lawyers for civil suits, lawyers for real estate holdings/transactions, accountants, Public relations, Managers who set up and schedule the circuit and district rallies. Purchasing agents for paper, ink, cardboard, etc.
What's missing above? Somebody has to decide doctrinal edicts, aka, "The Truth". Masturbation, sex practices in the marriage, grounds for divorce, containment of pedophile cases, blood, predicting s**t that they don't have a clue about and then figuring out how to deal with October 2, 2014 having come and gone.
Beats working for a living.
What exactly do the Governing body(TM) do?
They organize the coercive lies and ignorance that attracts people to their organization so that can be mentally indoctrinated
for exploitation and support, designing and shaping people to be their own sales representatives.
Of course all this is creatively done so as to create a righteous and pure self supporting image around their organization.
This shaping people to their own will is part of their own established self awareness and personal stature of power and control.
Anyone want to play god ???
There have been thousands of so called spiritual channeled people (men) who said that they are god's voice to mankind.
Everyone of those people were creating their appealing and assuming importance and personal stature.
The GB members of the Watchtower publishing house are no different or unique in this regard.
In fact they reside with other crooked religious charlatans selling their own literature to the public, through their own commercially appealing doctrines.
Its for this reason that when one becomes baptized in this religious faith you have to vow to remain loyal to these GB members.
You can be assuringly confident that wasn't done so in biblical times .
What exactly do the Governing body(TM) do?'
I think a better question would be what DON'T they do? They are 7 men trying to spiritually feed 8 million people.
No one is carrying a heavier load than they are......a watcher
..............................................................................................................................JW`s Can`t Eat Enough of..
........................................................................................................................................WBT$ CRAP!!..
..............................................................................................Eat Enough WBT$ Crap And..
........................This WBT$ Crap Is Sooo Good!!.................... You`ll Be A WBT$ JW Elder!!..
Wow, A Watcher!!! The GB sure does carry a heavy burden! The burden that they have taken upon themselves, much like the Pharisees of the Sanhedrin! Those pesky people of the dirt need so much care and feeding!