The Art of Hypocrisy - How Jehovah's Witnesses worship a symbol

by BluePill2 45 Replies latest jw friends


    Someone should post a picture of JESUS on the cross/stake with a pin on his underwear or crown of thorns. The golden calf is a good one as well. What about Jesus coming out of the Jordan river and JW.ORG decending upon him!!

    Seriously, we need to start actively fighting this crap. I can put stickers and flyers all over if someone knows how to make something that I can print. I am apostate of Satan, I've sinned against the spirit so WTF do I care??


  • Vidiot

    BluePill2 - "The JW.BORG symbols is EXACTLY what the modern day organization deserves and represents: cold, corporative, marketing and cash making machine! A sign that truly resembles what the Borg is all about. In that sense it was perfectly chosen."

    How uncharacteristically honest of them.

  • kurtbethel

    Yeah Baby!

    Watchtower governing body scam religion fraud child molester David Splane pedophile Stephen Lett

  • smiddy


    Thats a photo shopped picture isnt it ? An ADIDAS shoe with the JW.ORG logo on it ? Would ADIDAS approve of that ?


  • smiddy


    Any JW worth his salt would/should be embarassed to wear the 100 years of Kingdom Rule badge dont you think ?


  • Fernando

    The Art of Propaganda, at which the WBTS excels, comes to mind for me:

    *** w56 6/15 p. 360 Getting and Giving the Thoughts of God ***
    We usually believe what we want to believe, and one thing we like to believe is that we do our own thinking. Hence it is not too hard for clever propagandists to make us think their thoughts are ours. They plant the thought and nourish it, but do it so subtly that we think it is our own.

  • mana11
  • mana11

    Thats a photo shopped picture isnt it ? An ADIDAS shoe with the JW.ORG logo on it ? Would ADIDAS approve of that ?

    That depends on how many shares the WTBS holds in addidas!...

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    There is an infiltration of this at our hall as well. Last week the Sunday speaker had a huge badge on. It was embarrassing. i have pointed this out to my wife. She agrees that some dubs go overboard but does not agree that it is idolatry. In her mind it's just advertisement.

  • designs

    Wouldn't you like to have been a fly on the wall during those marketing meetings- 'so how do we bring in more cash' 'I know I know!'

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