Yes, grownup mistake too. Like Adam blamed on Eve, this is really my spouse's fault. Spouse's old Apple phone went to her, and the Itunes account on it had the CC# on it stored. I am so old school, I don't know how to even turn on the Apple phone.
But, daughter admits to KNOW she was charging it. She remembered the charge for $59.98 to buy more "jewels" for the game. She remembered saying "yes" to all the $9.98 & $14.98 charges. She has an good grade in Algebra. She can definately add. She said, "I couldn't stop myself."
Everyone made fun of me for my old style, almost flip phone. I don't have a fancy, smart cell phone. But, the government can't track how I walk and I can't store my CC information on it. I can't play games on it. It would die.
Definately like the idea of also making her work for a living. Tonight, she earns $7.50 towards her debt by washing out the garbage cans & cleaning the family truck inside and out. Every day, a BIG chore.
Yes, I am disputing the charges. But, even if I win, she still has the restrictions. Also, like the idea of taking off their allowance for bad behavior and making them buy their own toys. I am goign to talk to spouse tomorrow night to see how we can implement it.