ARMAGEDDON is Happening oh my god!!! My TV is crashing and flashing its about to quit, I should have known the great tribulation started a few months ago when the tv started acting up. All the warning signs and yet i didn't notice....Woe is me and my gnashing of my teeth, I may miss the game on tv tonight, ITS SO MUCH WORSE THAN REVELATIONS SAID IT WOULD BE. Pray for me people......
by Crazyguy 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
And Crazyguy hid himself in the caves and in the rock-masses of the mountains. And he keep saying to the mountains and to the rock-masses: “Fall over me and hide me from the face of this Samsung seated on the TV stand and from the wrath of it's sparks, because the great day of it's demise has come, and who is able to watch football?"
And Crazyguy will weep and beat himself in grief over his TV when he looks at the smoke from the burning of it, while he stands at a distance because of his fear of her sparks and say, ‘Too bad, too bad, you great TV, Samsung you strong appliance, because in one hour your warranty expired!’
Cable/satellite/TV outage when good NFL games are coming on is Armageddon!
Well, the stock market survived. The dollar still has assumed value (though not real value) equivalent to about 1/17 ounce of physical silver or 1/1,200 ounce of gold. We didn't even get the blackout I am so well prepared for.
The storms did knock my cable service out in the 7th inning of the AL Divisional playoff game.
Fortunately we still had electric service and I could tune it in on the radio.
I wouldn't say that qualified as "armageddon". Now if it had happened during the 7th game of the World Series or even the SuperBowl.......
Good one zoos
Just to clarify...did they predict Armageddon on 10/2014 or is it just the 100 years that Jesus is in charge. Because knowing the JW's they clarify to say, we didn't say that, we're talking about 100 years Jesus been in charge...but what's funny is they always try to come up with what Jesus has been doing for 100 it makes me think..ummm, they are wondering too. Since they don't know, they are making stuff up....just like the question, why does God allow suffering..why ask the question if you're wondering yourself....They are just as much puzzled as the rest of the world. Plus all the stuff they claim is invisible, so who could argue....
They said earlier on that last memorial might be our last memorial .... remember?
Hi EdenOne,
You know what ? They may have said it, but I don't remember...too busy trying to see who was partaking of the crackers & wine...LOL...The word they used was....MIGHT...that's their defense... I wonder how many feel year after year & the end never comes....especially the older ones. I remember one of them saying they thought it was supposed to end in 1975, and he is still here...Wonder how they really feel inside & what they tell themselves....It's funny most religions know the end is coming, but like Jesus, they don't know, they just know it will come, but in the meantime, they are living their lives. Sometimes if you live for the future too miss the present.
Sometimes if you live for the future too miss the present.
Jehovah's Witnesses ... robbing lives since 1879.