'Beeeee glad you nations with his peeeepole ......The seven Gentile Times have ended, their kings have had theirrrrr dayyyy Lemme see, I sang that song in the 1950's.
The Gentile times have ended; their kings have had their day.
by Londo111 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You are quite right Londo111. But further investigation 'seems to indicate' that they had an 'overlapping marriage'
On October 2, 1914--a hundred years ago today--Charles T. Russell announced, “The Gentile times have ended; their kings have had their day.”
There is an irony here.
If we are in the Gentile times and not the Jewish times any longer then "the kings" are anointed non Jewish Christians.
Which is what the JW Governing Body claim to be!
So what happens when the gentile times are really over?
and "their kings really have had their day".
Matthew 19:27-30
Then Peter said to him in reply: "Look! We have left all things and followed you; what actually will there be for us?" 28 Jesus said to them: "Truly I say to YOU, In the re-creation, when the Son of man sits down upon his glorious throne, YOU who have followed me will also yourselves sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29 And everyone that has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive many times more and will inherit everlasting life.
"But many that are first will be last and the last first.
Thanks. Marked