Well it will be 100 yrs for Jehovah's Witnesses on 10/2/2014 12pm est. Will Armagedon happen? 100yrs is a VERY long generation, two or three. Or will it simply be an "invisible" Armagedon?
Not on JW.Org: Will Armagedon arrive for Jehovah's witnesses before 12:00 Pm EST 10/2/2014 ??
by Balaamsass2 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You do realize that you posed your question about 11.5 hours AFTER 12 pm EST ... don't you?
Did you perhaps mean 11:59 PM EST?
Or are you just going on JW prophetic time which can change at will?
Why est? Wouldn't the fulfillment wait for the conslusion of 10/2 when the entire world has seen 10/2.. ie, when the dateline is hit at 10/3 00:00
DAMM I missed it!! Must have come invisibly.......
Do not confuse Armageddon with the GT. According to the wts, referring to the big A, jesus stated: "As for that day and hour no one knows..." Not so with the gt. Jesus gave prophecies and there is other information contained in the Bible that the wts has used to determine its date or proximity. The wts has not wavered from 1914. At some point though, the fat lady sings. UNtil then....
What about the length of the years. I thought prophetic years were 360 days long.
I died a little lol.
Is the actual date not in a few days time due to the difference between the solar and lunar calendars?
Here is something from the uber dub "scholars" on another site....
2520 years of gentile times began and ended on Tishri 15, which began at sundown on October 4 in 1914. However, due to the differences between the solar and lunar calendar, the actual anniversary from year to year might be many days before or after, for the same reason that Nisan 14 is a different date each year.
Of course arbitrary anniversaries have nothing to do with the great tribulation whatsoever. (Acts 1:7) But for those keeping an eye out just in case, the exact 100th anniversary this year doesn't come on October 2nd, or 4th, or 5th, this year Tishri 15 lasts from sundown October 8 to sundown October 9.