This topic is a couple years late, but I just wanted to get this off my chest. I don't understand why people say that the Society starting a project that won't finish until 2017 means that the end can't come until then, or that they don't expect the end before then. This isn't a very logical line of thought. Why couldn't the HQ simply be finished on the other side of Armageddon, and serve as an HQ for the earthly government in the new system?
What does the building of Warwick HQ have to do with the Society's expectation of the end?
by Apognophos 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
... for the same logical reason they tell individual Witnesses to refrain from building / purchasing a home on this side of this system of things ...because in all likeliness it won't survive Armaggeddon. What's good for the goose....
That is exactly what I've heard every JW say about it ("if Armageddon comes first, great! The project will be completed after it comes").
I think even Guy Pierce is quoted somewhere as saying exactly that.
Wasanelder Once
Because it is a fantasy religion, there is no end and they will live like kings in the compound until they sprout wings like all the other old fart GB fanatics who have croaked til now. Plenty of room in the ground for these fanatics. Wont miss them.
Yeah, when people joke about the apparent lack of confidence in how imminent armageddon is based on their plans that go well into the future, I don't think they actually mean it that way. It's more of a dig at the hipocracy of it all. If I were to personally go and start work on some project that couldn't possibly be completed in 10 years, I have no doubt that I would recieve rampant criticism from everyone in the congregation because of my apparent lack of confidence in how soon armageddon would be. But when the GB does it, it's evidence of how fast god's chariot moves!
They constantly print material that discourages planning for the future, but they're constantly planning for the future...
Good point. Though I have never heard anyone say that the big A cant come until it's finished, what strange logic!
To be honest I have no idea why they feel they need to build a new HQ if "The End" is so close? Especially as the Brooklyn one has done the job for so many years. The same applies to the new London Bethel. If it is "just around the corner" as I keep being told surely they should make do with what they have and get everyone on the preaching work?
They are making soooo much money on the sale of these buildings and yet still asking publishers to cough up money to fund the project and volunteer time to build it. Corrupt is not the word....
Why couldn't the HQ simply be finished on the other side of Armageddon, and serve as an HQ for the earthly government in the new system?
By the same logic, why don't JWs argue that the project could just as well be started after Armageddon, when the land, supplies, etc. will be "free".
If the Big A is as close as the GB pretends it is, wouldn't all the time and money being spent on a new HQ be better spent saving lives?
The WTS. has always had a hidden and obscure business structure operating as a religious publishing house.
Because building projects in this system reflect a practical focus on dealing with the demands of now that rank and file witnesses are urged NOT to give expression to in their individual lives. Live as if the end is here, they are told.
The admonition to live as if the end is right here right now is never ever modeled by the organizaion itself.
I recall when the organization first moved to computerized printing presses (aftera massive re-furbishing programme in the early 1980s, I think),even then their projections of how long it would take had some of us thinking, "Well, the end can't be too close" - and as it turned out, we were not wrong!
They say they have gone back to first century Christianity - yet the early church did anything but set down deep roots, unlike the organization. Of course, were the organization less two-faced about the imminence of the end and its own longer term planning, this would not be issue. For starters, they could ease up on the rank and file and not be scornful about youth acquiring an education - hey, even if the end IS close, employment skills could still be used in the new system.
The organization needs to practice what it preaches.
Keep your life simple...simply your lifestyle so you can do more in the last days...this is not the time to build new homes or start businesses...That's what the WTS is saying while they are modernizing their living conditions and expending their real estate portfolio with the money donated by destitute supporters.