I need help/info on other religions vs the WTS

by Leander 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Right, Cynthia. Also let's point out the Bible doesn't say Peter asked "WHERE" would we go to but to WHOM, and the answer is Jehovah's son Jesus Christ (not back to the WTS. Many people become independent Christians feeling free to attend any fit church group while holding to their own personal views. When those pro-Watchtower brag they have "unity" in reality they have "uniformity" which comes from forced compliance by disfellowshipping. Colossians 1:14 says the greatest bond of unity is LOVE. Avoid any further high-control groups.

  • Mulan

    I looked all that stuff up 7 years ago. I learned that JW's are not the only ones who don't believe the Trinity, don't take blood, don't go to war, who do go door to door, use the name Jehovah, and more and more. I can't recall which ones believed what, but the reason we all believed we were the only ones, was because they told us we were. It shows we all needed to do our own research.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Lieu

    I say remember the guy who was "preaching" near Jesus and the Apostles got upset because the guy was not per se "one of them" (Disciples)? What did Jesus say? Basically, he said leave the guy alone as he was doing a fine thing...Jesus' statement on this matter gives food for thought.

    If you want to keep telling people the 'good news about the kingdom'...then by all means do it. You just have to learn to use whatever opportunity that comes along, without 'slips', without someone to turn in 'hours' to, and without strange 'rules'. The purpose of 'preaching' is to bring people to an understanding and appreciation of God purpose and of Christs' sacrifice...not to bring people to an understanding of an orginization.

    Paul wasn't worried about belonging to any group while he carried out his given task....So as the Nike ad says, "Just do it".

  • lauralisa

    Hi Leander,

    You said:

    Unfortunately this is a weak part of my debate, I have only been associated with the JW religion so I have very little information on what other religions beleive and practice. So I was hoping that maybe a few of the people here might be able to help me out with a few answers.
    Leander, there are so many religions that exist, have existed, and will exist - and yes, there ARE other non-mainstream religions that have doctrinal positions consistent with the WTS.

    I have an OLD book... circa 1880 - that I found among my great-grandmother's belongings once. I still have it. It is entitled Religions Denominations of the World, and lists literally hundreds of "denominations" with brief descriptions of their basic tenets. And THAT was over a century ago.

    Lacking time at this point to provide you with any specifics unfortunately, but if time allows I'll try to dig up some material for you soon.

    I remember that very argument ("only jw's teach....") keeping me in a locked state of mind, and can appreciate the hold it has on people.

    A very good friend is married to a guy who is difficult to understand. EVERYONE (besides her) thinks he is an incredible jerk-off. He seems abusive to her in many ways. BUT... she is thriving as an individual; personally and professionally she is growing and enjoys her life; if there were any indications or evidence of abuse taking place in her life many people would intervene... but there is nothing there other than she is a vibrant, positive and intelligent woman who is happy. So we leave it alone and give her all of the benefit of our doubt.

    There are "alternative" lifestyles out there which give certain people pause because it seems obvious to THEM that these lifestyles are WRONG!!! But when the individuals involved are vibrant contributors to society who are healthy and happy, it seems kinda clear that the issue is with intolerance and fear of things "strange" - and interfering with the situation is intrusive and not necessary.

    On the other hand. When thousands, if not millions of people are dying slow deaths or shriveling into little non-beings who live in helpless hopelessness because of their adherence to a particular religion (or addiction, or behavior, etc. etc.) then it is not out of line to question the "goodness" of that religion/practice/behavior.

    "By their fruits you will know them" as they say.

    Take care, laura

  • RR

    There was a thread about this not too long ago, but I can't seem to find it now.

    Yes, there are hundreds of groyps who have the basic belief structure of the Witnesses, and most of these existed BEFORE the Society was incorporated, but without the polictics involved.

    The various Bible Student groups, the Christadelphians, various adventist groups, such as the Church of God, Abrahamic faith, the Advent Christian Church.

    There are even "Scared Name" groups who like theg Witnesses put emphasis ion God name, except they believe it to be Yahweh.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it! . http://www.food4jws.org/testimonies/rr144.htm

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    If you will go to this link you will find plenty of amo for your discussions with your family: http://www.geocities.com/osarsif/index2.htm

    Have fun with these articles!

    Sam Beli

    "...religion opposes the commandments of Almighty God." Violence by J. F. Rutherford 1938

  • Unclepenn1

    Leander, it really doesnt matter what other groups teach, per se. What does the Bible say? Read the Bible for yourself and let it speak to you. The old 'What other groups teach this?' argument is absolutely meaningless if the Bible doesnt teach it, and I would give a hearty 'amen' that the WT is NOT teaching anything Biblical.

    I have been meeting with a JW weekly and I am just stunned at the way they pull verses right out of context, EVERYTIME! I couldnt find one verse the gentleman presented to me that wasn't ripped out of the middle of a dialogue that had nothing to do with the subject he was trying to prove. Such is the way with religious cuults. They have a preconceived idea and go to the Bible to find it and make it fit. Get a good translation of the Word and start reading. Lose the religion and build a relationship [with God[.


  • ballistic

    The problem I find in just about any debate with Witnesses is they have numerous mental barriers which prevent them accepting what you are saying.
    If you finally get a Witness to acknowledge flaws in their beliefs or practices, you simply meet the next barrier: "Well, it's Jehovah's organisation. He will sort it out in his due time".

    This is almost as bad as their other logic problem where they believe in opposites, for example. One issue of the Watchtower containing reports of increasing publisher numbers side by side with articles on "the end is so near" stuff. Then as soon as you tell a Witness about declining publisher numbers in some countries they reply, "Well, it was foretold there would be masses leaving prior to the end."

    They do the same with wars and declarations of "peace and security" so whether you're in peace time or war, the end is still near.

  • Nikita

    I agree with SixofNine.

    I would suggest you not base your argument on the doctrine of JW's or other religions. For me, it is a faith issue-do I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord? Do I believe God rasied him from the dead?

    Read Romans chapter 10, specifically verses 5-13. (And I would suggest you try to read other versions besides the NWT)

    To answer your questions though, I can say that we as a congregation (Baptist) do most of our "preaching" not so much by door-to-door but by ministering to those who need help. Reaching out to the lonely, visiting the sick, feeding the hungry, helping people pay their bills or buying groceries,etc... We do some door-to-door but it is not our focus. I can say that our denomination has about 5,000 missionaries in about 153 countries and about 5,000 in North America.

    I myself was able to go to Moldova in 2000 (having never flown in my life before!)and be a part of a Medical team where we went from village to village giving out medicines and vitamins, money, whatever we could. It was one of the "richest" experiences of my life!

    I believe that our souls are immortal and that when we die we are either present with the Lord or not based on whether we have accepted him as our Savior or not. (2 Corinthians 5)

    But, again the real issue is Jesus. Don't lose your focus on him-people who are Christians will fail you, not every church will be a good represenative of Christ, not every "Christian" will be either.

    I know how hard it is, I have been where you are! To be honest I was scared to death the first time I set foot in a church after I left-which was about 9 months or so, a Catholic church. I was so indoctrinated.

    Anyway, this is my 2 cents worth to this topic!

    Peace to you!

    "I think you ought to like what you do. Because there's a reasonably
    good chance no one else is going to."
    Rich Mullins

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I'll suggest that the underlying fallacy that is still causing "issues" for you if the belief that there is a god and that the bible is the word of this god.

    There is no spirit realm populated with any sort of creatures, and the bible, as archaeology is demonstrating more and more each year, is essentially a very long political tract that has as much meaning in our ay as Aesop's Fables.

    "Only Jehovah's Witnesses can pat their head with their right hand at precisely 3 beats a second while rubbing their tummy counterclockwise at a constant velocity of 5 cycles per second."

    So what?

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