Being in attendance for this vigil was a life changing experience for me. It definitely made this issue more real for me and has made me more determined to speak up for changes.
After meeting Holly and Heather Berry, I returned to the silentlambs website to read more about their story. I read the court hearing transcript and was completely taken back by how many active JWs came forth and spoke up for this horrible man. I cried when I read JWs defend this man and say they would even leave their own children with him. There were actually elders that defended him! It was heart-wrenching to read, especially after hearing the incredibly horrific things he had done to his own wife and children. But, there is some justice, Holly and Heather said they can now say "he is in prison now"!
It was truly incredible to see so many people come together and support the victims and even more incredible to witness the courage that it took for ones to come forward and tell their own stories.
Bobsgirl(Tema) was so brave and poised when she spoke. To come forth like she did, with so much to lose, was amazing! Her story touched another victim so much that this woman came forth and said "If she can do this, so can I".
Hyghlander surprized us all, he was brilliant and spoke from the heart!
Bill and Barb are both incredible people who are making a difference that will impact the lives of so many! To them...Thank you!
It was also great to meet so many awesome people from this board! I will never forget any of you! I hope we stay in contact and definitely get together again soon.
I will always remember the day when the lambs ROARED!...and I feel honored to have been a part of it!