What a great Barbeque!
I'm soooo glad and relieved that everyone had so much fun! I never could have hoped for a bigger success. The food all came out sooo good and I've never made any of that stuff before! I even had a memorial day theme with a cake with strawberries and blueberries arranged on the top in an american flag design and red white and blue dessert cups for the kids (blue & red jello w/coolwhip). I hate to brag but Martha Stewart aint' got nothin on me! HAHAHA!
We had 27 people in all including the above mentioned and their families, a few of my family, a few of Jens family, and a few neighbors.
Everyone had a wonderful time! Unfortunately, in my impaired state I forgot to take the camera outside and take pictures of everyone until many had left but fortunately I did remember in time for the 'after' party LOL! I'll have to see if there are any in there that are suitable for public viewing lol (w/permission of course).
I just wanted to thank all those that came and apologize for any inconvenience caused by the roadsign not being up.
BadWillie and his family are the coolest! I8emallup and his family are adorable especially when soaking wet from water balloons LOL! B_ster is sooo funny and drove all the way from Boston and we were so glad he did. Neonmadman is neither Neon nor a mad man but he and his family are really great and I'm so glad they came. And Boozy is the bestest DJ ever! If your in this area and need a DJ hes your man. Everyone loved the music he played from the 2 year olds to the waay older ones. Thanks Boozy!
Oh and I think just a tip for those of you having apostafests around the world..invite 'wordly' people too that have never been witnesses. They had just as great a time and were totally interested in the conversations going on. Many like my roommate knew NOTHING about JW's before we met. Maybe that is one way to educate more people about the damaging affects of the cult.
Anyway, I'm totally exahusted and sore and hung over but I can't wait to do it again!