Do I have a sign on my back??????

by noidea 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • noidea

    OK..someone please tell I have a sign that says Elder's Please drop by any time unannounced..If it's there will someone please take it down..[>:(]

    Everyone wave to him.

    I guess they know that I can't make an appointment to a gynecologist on a Sunday..well that excuse worked once.

    OK here is the question he is asking as I'm typing this right now..Your husband has been to the meeting two week-ends in a row you haven't been there either time and I wanted to see if your OK. answer "Same as the last 9 months of no attendance..never felt better..thanks for asking"..Yes, I'm trying not to giggle.

    Maybe I should show him my picture in the paper from the press conference in KY.


    Member of the: I have ~No-Idea~ class.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    You could change the sign to read - I was at the silentlambs vigil

    A not-so-silent lamb

    Aspire to inspire before you expire

  • peaceloveharmony

    *waves to elder*

    noi, tell him to bug off! lol

  • DakotaRed

    Lucky you, NOI. No elder ever stops by here anymore.

    Could it be because I threw them out a few years ago? Or, maybe the sign I had on the door saying if they could not offer a cordial greeting to me, get lost? Or, maybe the last one saying that due to the natural rudeness of JWs, just turn around and get off my property? Hell, I don't even have any signs up anymore and they still never stop by. They even run past my house when out in service. LOL, why wasn't that lucky 12 years ago when I first started talking to them?????

    Just tell them you recently washed your brain and now, you are seeing things clearer. Then say Buddha cautioned you about cavorting with Pentecostals in the temple of Herman. Or, maybe you were planning of going to a meeting, but fortunately, something unexpected came up.

    Better yet, just tell them to go to hell!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Do what I do as soon as I see unwanted guests coming up the drive..
    hit the floor, belly crawl behind the couch and stay there till they go away.
    (Got to get out of that habit..but I hate confrontation!)

  • noidea


    I guess it is rude to be posting and reading replies to this thread as he is trying to make small talk..I sure wish chat wasn't empty.. hehe


    Member of the: I have ~No-Idea~ class.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    noi people are in chat

    A not-so-silent lamb

    Aspire to inspire before you expire

  • noidea

    Lady Lee..
    He left..I think he was feeling ignored..oop's I wonder if it was me that made him feel that way. Well it was fun while it lasted.


    Member of the: I have ~No-Idea~ class.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Surely you cant be posting while an Elder is trying to Admonish you!?
    I can scarce believe it!
    You is BADDD!!

  • noidea


    Yes, I was posting as he was talking to me. I didn't think I was being "bad"...just having some "fun" and thought I'd share it.


    Member of the: I have ~No-Idea~ class.


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