Calling all UK people, especially near CARDIFF

by kat7302 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kat7302

    sorry if my information is misleading. I am no bethel plant believe me! I spose I dont give too much of nyself away simply because my parents are still VERY prominent in this area. My dad is so well know that the whole curcuit and more seem to know him wherever I go! Ive even been abroad and people have heard of him. Despite my feelings towards the witnesses, I dont wanna give my mum+dad a hard time. about the masturbation, I am a queen of the act! Cant get enuf! OK? !!!!!

  • Matty

    Don't apologise, I was just being a prat as usual. I know exactly what you mean, my family are very well known too - in fact so am I - which makes what I do here very dangerous, because I'm still "in".

  • kat7302

    you are? wow.your that case,dont worry about the details. Its only that I think when you leave, you lose so many friends and stuff and noone in the 'world' will ever really understand the whole witness thing, so its cool to come on here and meet people you know who actually get it without you having to explain it all. If you want to reveal yourself tho, fell email is [email protected] I am the soul of discretion so fear not silent lamb! keep in touch anyway!

  • Matty

    Thank you Kat. Oddly enough I have been told more than once that because of a lifetime of being a witness, and all that entails, and due to my current circumstances, that now is not the best time to up and leave. I need a few more friends outside the org, which I'm just starting to get now. I don't need to convince anyone here on how tough it is.

  • kat7302

    depends what your current situation is matty. I dont think there ever is a best time to leave. I was 15 when I left and I onyl had my older sister. Noone else. I dont think having friends on the outside that understood would have made things any easier and I do think Id still have the same issues that I do now regardless. Having said that, having friends who understand where you're coming from isnt going to hurt either so best of luck to you. Get out sooner rather than later cos once you've made the break and you're used to your new life, I garuntee that you'll wish you did it sooner. How old are you? I cant remember if you said. You'll find plenty of friends on here and if you're looking for me!

  • zenpunk

    ENGLISHMAN! I haven't seen a photo of the Waverley in 17 years! Thanks for the happy memory! I attended Mold congregation outside of Chester years ago when I was in the JW life. Now I live in the US though.

  • kat7302

    Surely there must be more of you out there??????????

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