A person has to be a bit nieve to think that if the WT suddenly gave into all of the demands of Silentlambs that Silentlambs would somehow cease to exist and or let up their pressure on the Society.
I think there is a broader agenda here, one that includes a measure of revenge against the WT and one that won't stop until they are out of business. No child is truely protected or safe when they are raised in a cult. A logical extention of Silentlambs would be expanding their agenda to include the blood issue and children.
It is this obvious broader agenda the Silentlambs group has that invites criticism from active Witnesses. For me, I would like to see children protected and I would like to see the destruction of the WT. I just have mixed feelings when I see these two issues collide in the way they have. I hope the end will have justified the means.
So in answer to your question if Bill and others would have had to resort to such public measures if the WT had listened, I think they would have. Perhaps not necessarily Bill and not necessarily using this particular subject of child abuse, but yes people would still use the media in the fight against the WT. Until the WT is gone, people will continue to expose it in the media.
We can pretend all we want that all we care about is the children, but we all have a mixed agenda here. When you see threads talking about "Spanking the WT" etc, we all want a measure of payback and justice too - and I think there is nothing wrong with that. If anything, victims deserve some sort of payback. But don't deceive yourself and think this is "all about the children".