I have a hypothetical question. What if someone proved 607BC to be a viable date through secular history, what then.
607 BC Discussion - JW Podcast
by God_Delusion 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Simon says you would then have to tell me what significance that has. It's still a giant leap to the 1914 overlapping generation crap. But I am all ears prove it! -
Doesn’t that become mutually exclusive, or symbolic? Without holding the hypothetical to a double standard, then it would simply imply that proving 607BC would auto redeem 1914, wouldn’t it.
However, I'm still on the fence on the information and comments made here.
Like I said SimonSays prove it scientifically and we will talk. I promise. -
Village Idiot
SimonSays, "What if someone proved 607BC to be a viable date through secular history, what then."
The 607 year issue is not the only broken link on the chain. Their weak points are:
- The 2520 year period based on the assumption of 360 days per year. Neither Babylon nor the Hebrews used that type of calendar.
- The comparison between Nebuchadnezzar's insanity during those 7 years after which his sanity returned. How could that be considered a prophecy where the insanity of the nations is supposed to have gotten worse, not better? However, that was somewhat consistent with their initial 1914 teaching which stated that the Millennium would start on 1914 bringing sanity to the world after those symbolic 'times'.
So go ahead and prove that point since nothing that has happened in the past 137 years fulfills any historical events.
I have a hypothetical question. What if someone proved 607BC to be a viable date through secular history, what then.
The year or event would still be irrelevant for Jesus admonished any of true followers to set time on God's own sacred time.
The act of calculating a time is going against Jesus's own commandment.
Religious charlatans like Russell and the ones before and after him do not take that instruction of Jesus to heart
or applicable attention.
SIMON, first off, I am being very respectful of others opinions. I have in no way orchestrated or denounced anyone to get the negative response from this person FINKELSTEIN just so you understand the tone people say they don’t have.
However continuing with my hypothetical.
Weren’t the Babylonians using the solar-lunar calendar?
It wasn’t until the Meton’s cycle came into play to adapt the means to the 365 day.
There are some astronomical data that does suggest and point to this hypothesis.
And indeed, it is hereby suggested directly that such a back-transformation does reveal the state of the earth as was once manifest at some remote point in history, wherein there truly was an exacting harmonic correspondence between the value of its orbital period in days, and the value ascribed to the equatorial circumference of the earth in Ideal Geographical Miles; both of which conformed to the basic numeric sequence of the Babylonian measures: 360 & 21600, via a x60 multiplier.
The important to mention however, is that the numerical value of 360, nominally taken to be representative of a 360 degree circle (in geometry), does in fact represent 360 days of an ideal earth year, with the value 21600, actively representing the measure of the earth equator in ideal geographical miles.
Well anyways, I do disagree with some of the data presented on podcast. I did however find it entertaining. When I get these 2 books that elude me due to finances to confirm or deny my theory, I will ask the question again about 607BC. If I’ll be allowed that is. Thanks V.I. and truthseeker100 for your input.
New moon is every 29 or 30 days. The solar lunar calendar year has 12 or 13 times 29.5 days. So never 360 days. Every couple of years there is an extra month (the 13th one), but different cultures have different ways of determining when and what pattern. -
The JWS religion has been nothing hut a pretentious fraud started by a turn of the century charlatan and based from its core doctrines such as 1914. Its a shame that so many people got engaged into this fraud wasting their lives and at times losing their lives. A poignant human tragedy.