Even though I was raised to beleive everything the watchtower ever
said, ... I always doubted that God would destroy everyone at armeggedon. I couldnt understand how my Granny , even thou she was
Catholic would deserve to die. When I asked olders ones about this they said well, it happened in Noah's day,,, only God's choosen people with His name were saved. This just did not seem just to me.
So in my heart all the years I was a faithful witness, I felt they were wrong about at least that teaching.
Tonite , I was watching a special documentary on the Sept. 11 tragedy. It looked like a scene from what armeggedon would look like. There were people, many people, crying, speechless and dazed.
People that held up pictures of family and friends that were gone,
but they were still hoping for the impossible , that they would be
found alive.
But what got to me the most was when they showed all of the volunteers. People who didnt have any personal reason to look for
family or friends. Just New Yorkers, others from all over the country too, just wanting to be helpful. Grown men, crying at feeling so hopeless, that they would risk their lives just to make a
difference. There was a picture of several truck loads of volunteers
, all races, men and women, going to help . You could see the love
on their faces, the true feeling that they had lost something precious, the loss of life.
But these are the ones that will die in armeggedon!!!!!
NO WAY!!!!!!
I will never beleive that ever ,,,, I will never go back to being
a Jehovah's Witness, for they are so smug in their ,, "we love our
fellow man so much we preach" crap. What I saw on t.v. tonite was more of what I think Jesus meant when he spoke of loving our fellow man. I know God will not destory good hearted people like I saw on that day,,,, And these are the terrible people the WT warns you about , the "worldy" ones. I am now proud to say I am part of the
"world", being called one of Jehovah's Witnesses is embarrassing.
I make it a point to tell people , that I am no longer a Jehovah's Witness.