This is all so silly. If the number of "believers" in a particular religion is proof of God's support, then JWs are way, way down on the list - way after a billion Budhists and Hindus, way after almost that many Catholics, and the Islamists in their hundreds of millions. And even after the Southern Baptists, twenty million strong. And Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Episcopalians and Holy Rollers must too be considered, vastly outnumbering the pitifully few JWs. And when you subtract the JWs that are there for appearance sake, who are there to maintain their families intact but who no longer believe, who are 15-minute ministers, the numbers become even more paltry. The society attempts to make a silk purse from a sow's ear.
Careful analysis of the JWs own numbers reveals a revolving door, with as many flying out the back door as creep in the front. The JWs have got that old book, "How to Lie With Statistics" memorized and use it liberally.
Under the searching light of Truth, all the flaws and falts and lies and venality and mendacity of Jehovah's Witnesses jumps into clear, crisp focus. And the sight of illuminated Truth is revolting. Like turning over a dead body to reveal a nest of crawling maggots.
I feverently hope and pray that the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is about to live out its well-deserved karma.