Thanks all for your input.
I though long and hard about the perception of "misleading" someone into thinking I am trying to say something on behalf of The Society.
If you re-read the email, you will note that I never once said that I am the WTS (although I did in the subject of this post, my bad).
It should be read as it actually is: a letter from the small organazation know as "" which, due to our limited funds, are unable to help people most contries of the world.
Yes, I refer to "Jah's organization" and "satan working against us" and "proselytizing personnel". And I am refer to MY ORGANIZATION -- Quotes. After all, the question was asked to me/my organization. And if we can't help people, we tell them as much. If someone misinterprets the email as to being from WTBTS, that is their confusion, not mine.
At least, that is my story and I'm sticking with it when the lawyers show up.
For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out: