So we can start messing with the JDubs we know and start dropping little breadcrumbs, "You know, I've been thinking, ... I don't see how Gog of Magog could possibly be Satan ..."
Is the AGM today?
by hamsterbait 207 Replies latest jw friends
maybe king of north??? IS???
Hmmmm Morning worship on video for all to see. Seems like that's where many of the
GB slip up and share too much info. Of course they will probably edit the recording before
they air. They really want everyone just hanging on to every little thing they say.
talk about who will soon attack Gods people. gog of Magog is NOT Satan
Wow, who is it then?
Let me guess----------- it includes wicked, mentally diseased apostates who are right now making great inroads against God's people.
Tick tick tick. Let us know!!!
Just for the record... so all know what the insight book did say....
Identification of Gog. The lands and peoples mentioned in the prophecy relating to Gog are known from the Bible and to some extent from secular history. But efforts to identify Gog with some historically known earthly ruler have not been successful. Most frequently suggested is Gyges, king of Lydia in western Asia Minor, called Guggu in the records of Assyrian monarch Ashurbanipal. ( AncientRecords of Assyria and Babylonia, by D. Luckenbill, 1927, Vol. II, pp. 297, 351, 352) Gyges, however, had died decades before the writing of Ezekiel’s prophecy. Hence, such identification is unacceptable. Additionally, the prophecy itself places Gog’s attack in “the final part of the years,” “in the final part of the days.” ( Eze 38:8, 16 ; compare Isa 2:2; Jer 30:24; 2Ti 3:1 .) For these reasons, the name Gog is evidently cryptic or symbolic, not being that of any known human king or leader.
The evidence points to a fulfillment in what is elsewhere called “the time of the end.” ( Da 11:35; 12:9 ; compare Re 12:12 .) Bible scholars and commentators generally recognize the prophecy as relating to the time of the Messianic Kingdom. As an example, The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge comments: “Gog appears as the leader of the last hostile attack of the world-powers upon the kingdom of God.” (Edited by S. Jackson, 1956, Vol. V, p. 14) No fulfillment on natural Israel is known. The fulfillment in “the final part of the days” logically is with regard to spiritual Israel, the Christian congregation ( Ro 2:28, 29; Ga 6:16 ), described by the apostle Paul as children of, and directed by, the “Jerusalem above.” ( Ga 4:26 ) These points aid in arriving at the identification of Gog.
Further aid is found in the book of Revelation. Prophetic visions there foretold a great increase in persecution against the Christian congregation on the part of the symbolic dragon, Satan the Devil. This was to follow his being cast down, with his demons, from the heavens to the region of the earth, an act accomplished by the Kingdom of God through Christ at the time of Jesus’ beginning to exercise kingly authority. ( Re 12:5-10, 13-17 ) The massing of earthly nations against God, his Son, and God’s faithful servants on earth figures prominently in these visions, as does also the total defeat and desolation of such enemy forces. ( Re 16:13-16; 17:12-14; 19:11-21 ) The feasting by birds on the corpses of such enemies of Christ’s Kingdom rule likewise finds a correspondency here.—Compare Eze 39:4, 17-20 with Re 19:21 .
The central figure, or leader, of the earth-wide assault against the Messianic Kingdom and its subjects, according to Revelation, is Satan the Devil. He is the only person in the Biblical record who can be said to fulfill adequately the description and role assigned to ‘Gog of Magog’ in the prophecy given to Ezekiel. The prophecy in Ezekiel concerning Gog therefore points to a vicious, earth-wide assault on God’s people, an assault engineered and led by the abased Satan the Devil. This attack is what triggers the complete wiping out of such Satanic forces by means of God’s awesome power.— Eze 38:18-22 .
Not identified yet. Coalition of nations.
Just released pocket sized silver sword
konceptual99, thanks for posting, but that dark gray highlighting made it really hard to read.
Identification of Gog. The lands and peoples mentioned in the prophecy relating to Gog are known from the Bible and to some extent from secular history. But efforts to identify Gog with some historically known earthly ruler have not been successful. Most frequently suggested is Gyges, king of Lydia in western Asia Minor, called Guggu in the records of Assyrian monarch Ashurbanipal. ( AncientRecords of Assyria and Babylonia, by D. Luckenbill, 1927, Vol. II, pp. 297, 351, 352) Gyges, however, had died decades before the writing of Ezekiel’s prophecy. Hence, such identification is unacceptable. Additionally, the prophecy itself places Gog’s attack in “the final part of the years,” “in the final part of the days.” ( Eze 38:8, 16 ; compare Isa 2:2; Jer 30:24; 2Ti 3:1 .) For these reasons, the name Gog is evidently cryptic or symbolic, not being that of any known human king or leader.
The evidence points to a fulfillment in what is elsewhere called “the time of the end.” ( Da 11:35; 12:9 ; compare Re 12:12 .) Bible scholars and commentators generally recognize the prophecy as relating to the time of the Messianic Kingdom. As an example, The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge comments: “Gog appears as the leader of the last hostile attack of the world-powers upon the kingdom of God.” (Edited by S. Jackson, 1956, Vol. V, p. 14) No fulfillment on natural Israel is known. The fulfillment in “the final part of the days” logically is with regard to spiritual Israel, the Christian congregation ( Ro 2:28, 29; Ga 6:16 ), described by the apostle Paul as children of, and directed by, the “Jerusalem above.” ( Ga 4:26 ) These points aid in arriving at the identification of Gog.
Further aid is found in the book of Revelation. Prophetic visions there foretold a great increase in persecution against the Christian congregation on the part of the symbolic dragon, Satan the Devil. This was to follow his being cast down, with his demons, from the heavens to the region of the earth, an act accomplished by the Kingdom of God through Christ at the time of Jesus’ beginning to exercise kingly authority. ( Re 12:5-10, 13-17 ) The massing of earthly nations against God, his Son, and God’s faithful servants on earth figures prominently in these visions, as does also the total defeat and desolation of such enemy forces. ( Re 16:13-16; 17:12-14; 19:11-21 ) The feasting by birds on the corpses of such enemies of Christ’s Kingdom rule likewise finds a correspondency here.—Compare Eze 39:4, 17-20 with Re 19:21 .
The central figure, or leader, of the earth-wide assault against the Messianic Kingdom and its subjects, according to Revelation, is Satan the Devil. He is the only person in the Biblical record who can be said to fulfill adequately the description and role assigned to ‘Gog of Magog’ in the prophecy given to Ezekiel. The prophecy in Ezekiel concerning Gog therefore points to a vicious, earth-wide assault on God’s people, an assault engineered and led by the abased Satan the Devil.This attack is what triggers the complete wiping out of such Satanic forces by means of God’s awesome power.— Eze 38:18-22. - [All highlighting, bolding and other means of emphasis added]
Absalom: Just released pocket sized silver sword
Ah yes, the Stainless Steel Dagger!
the girl next door
11Gog of Magog is identified as Satan the Devil in his debased position since 1914. As a spirit creature, he cannot carry out his attack directly, but he will use human agencies to do his deeds. Who will these human agencies be? The Bible does not give us details, yet it does give us certain indications that can help us to identify who they will be. As world events unfold in fulfillment of Bible prophecies, we will gradually get an ever clearer picture. Jehovah’s people avoid speculation but remain spiritually alert, fully aware of political and religious developments that fit into the framework of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
12 The prophet Daniel sheds light upon a final attack against God’s people, writing: “He [the king of the north] will certainly go forth in a great rage in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. And he will plant his palatial tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration.”—Daniel 11:44, 45.
- w03 6/1 pp. 17-22
Will release more audio bible readings