Do whats best for you, you need to live your life to its fullest and heal from the cult.
Up yours!!! Jw religion!!
by Julia Orwell 45 Replies latest jw friends
Julia Orwell
Thanks guys. It's been a real rollercoaster.
Julia Orwell
Feeling better already. Gotta stick with what I believe in.
Frazzled UBM
Pity about the Islamic school, particularly as you seem toahve identified that it woudl be good for your profgessiojnal development - also having an Anglo non-muslim woman teaching at the school would have emphasized the non-sectarian nature of education. It is a pity the Islamophobes highjacked this thread.
Julia Orwell
That is true. Like I say, most Muslims are just normal people living normal lives without intent to harm or condemn anyone. I just don't feel able to engage in a highly religious environment yet, so I will keep working at non- religious government schools for now. There will always be other opportunities.
Julia Orwell
ok done and done...i called my current school and said i'm back on board.