said the two older "sisters" at my door not more than one hour ago.
A nice conversation ensued that left them not able to answer questions, and had them falling back to the tried and true 'hovah belief that "we have the truth" b.s.
I swear that I could actually see the mental blinders closing over their eyes as I explained things they did not know. Frustrating, yet very predictable.
They had the balls to say not to believe everything I read! I ask them the same question about their religion. One "sis" responded by not answering my question, but said: "we believe the GB is guided by holy spirit." I asked her if she knew how the GB arrives at their decisions. She didn't know. I told her. She shrugged her shoulders.
We talked about the pedophile issue. One "sis" went on and on about the RCC. I explained that the same exact thing was happening to the WTS. Again, denials and disbelief. I asked them to watch NBC's "dateline" Tuesday night.
These 'hovahs were totally ignorant. What a suprise.[8>]
Their WT internet warnings were sending up red flags all over the place. "Do you get your info from the internet?" one "sis" asked. "Because you can't believe everything you read." Starting to sigh, I said, "when you go to a bookstore, do read the stuff you know to be garbage, or are you selective in what you choose? She said, "That's exactly what I do." I said, "Me too."
As I was getting into some real meaty discussions with these nice ladies, suddenly "we have to go, we have people waiting". "been there, done that," I said.
Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division