TT tocare: In one cong we had sisters who had never answered a wt question in years. Just blend in.
AGM 2014 - How are faders gonna hide in plain sight anymore?
by tootired2care 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Tell why you believe its the truth is probably a copy of what christianity does already with their testimonials its called something else can't remember the Term.
I think it's always been easier for sisters to hide in plain sight and not do anything than for brothers. Hopefully the ones that are still fading can share some good ideas to make it easier for others that are fading. I know how hard it can be, and especially so with this latest revelation, I wish you all the best of luck in the game of shadows.
Oubliette - " The tighter you squeeze the more it gets away from you."
Not to mention the star systems that slip through your fingers.
Beth Sarim
yeah, yeah, it all makes sense now. With those watchtower studies last year of ''doing something which may not seem reasonable from a human standpoint'' or to that effect, yeah, yeah, I get it now. Those songs about ''always ready to obey'' , or '' listen obey and be blessed'' I get it now. They were simply beating it into the flock about doing whatever they are told. This will include mandatory testimonials from the flock including more leverage from the elders to meet 10 hrs a month, or be labelled as an apostated.
yeah, yeah, I get it now, it just all makes sense. Repetitive music songs like ie, ''obey'', ''obey'', ''obey and be blessed''. Music is a very, very powerul tool when it's drummed into your head almost every meeting by who you believe is God inspired. They were merely drumming up the emotions of the flock to follow more and more instructions. I get it now, yeah, it just is starting to make sense now, it's almost scary, or creepy or something.. yeah, it's starting to make sense
hhhaaa!!!!!!!!! lol ,,,, JOE, you've got it all figured out.
I think it's always been easier for sisters to hide in plain sight and not do anything than for brothers.
yea no point in pushing them, they can never be an elder, unless...... they got a sex change which would be a whole nuther topic to discuss
The thing is, if someone is fading, it is not hard to fake service or even lie on the time report. And how hard will it be to lie if you need to on the 'How I Know It's the Truth?" - I think it depends on where you are in your fade. It might be more difficult, but I think lying is still easy enough to do.
Gotta have a plan... Only way to stay sane.
This won't hurt faders at all - jws are trained from infancy to "fake it till you make it" (ie lie) all faders have to do is apply the same training and fake it till you're out. Though, for me, I think it's best to just casually resist and try to get myself pushed out.
In my view, lying works of you're dependant on jws for some reason, but if you're just trying to stop wasting 6 hours a week (counting time spent getting ready and driving) on being a hipocrite without completely alienating your spouse, you just use everything as an excuse to be stumbled. At least that's the current plan... Hopefully it works out.
yadda yadda 2
I don't see this as much of a threat to 'going through the motions' publisher or 'faders' at all.
The disengaged and 'going through the motions' JW's have always been easily identified by the fact that they never answer up.
I wonder if the number of 'never answers-up' JW's is increasing as each year goes by lol.....?
Hey, why doesn't the Society offer some incentive to answer up to shame the bored and disengaged ones.
How about Answering-up Pioneers??!! If you answer up at least 5 times a meeting you get a special title called "Answering-up Pioneer!"
Then that annoying know-it-all self-righeous smart-ass bitch sister who puts her hand up 50 times a meeting and loves the sound of her own voice will be wallowing in it. Every congregation has one.
"Ooh ooh pick me pick me!" (put your goddam hand up one more time beearch and I'm gonna run over there and slap your face!)