Up to 13 new songs will be released over time to equal a revised new song book and changes to songs in place due to the new bible. The revised song book cover will look like the new bible. New songs will be practiced at the service meeting
All of Jesus parables have been simplified. They no longer were prophecy fulfilled around the 1914 era. All evil slaves etc are just a warning now. Talents just means gifts all have been given. There are no longer meanings to every little thing that they use to apply around the 1914 date.
JW TV station along with video ondemand which will allow people to also tie in for family worship
2014 service year peaked at over 8 million - 19.5 and counting for memorial
New app featuring 4k different phrases in different languages
New videos, music videos etc...
100k requests for bible studies over the last 2 years on JW.org 550 languges, 700 publications in different languages, 1.5 unique visotors daily from August to September
Bethelites can now go to pioneer school
Types and Antitypes don't apply as much as they use to and they said, "Where the bible is silent, we must be silent"
Gog of Maygog "Is most likely the king of the north and not satan now"
Pocket size edition of the new bible
New audio bible is being completed, different voice for every character